The HELLDIVERS™©®³ 2 EULA is a god damn URL
Somebody up at Sony had a Jira ticket to update all the eulas and it listed the URLs for each one, instead of going to the URLs and putting the content in each one of the eulas they just slaped the URLs in.
Edit: clarity
Easy fix, hit cancel.
Doesn’t refund me, let me play HELLDIVERS:.|:; 2 without accepting nor give me back the time I lost reading the EULA. Not a fix.
If you have played less than 2 hours and it is at most 14 days since you purchased it, Steam will refund you with no questions asked.
Unfortunately I’ve played for 325.4 hours more than that, so I doubt they would refund the game even with questions asked.
As far as my non-lawyerly eyes could scan the EULA itself it’s not egregious, which is why I find this mildly infuriating.
I bet you could argue in court that the EULA is null and void, because you can’t be reasonably expected to copy that link into a browser to read it
Modify your host and redirect the URL > software without license:D
The site at the end of that URL will set a cookie. How else would such a mechanism be functional at all? A call to steams naviagtionTiming api confirming the last page load and nothing else at all? Hard to imagine a product manager agreeing to such a pointless exchange. So it cant be redirected to an ip, which I assume you mean is running its own webserver on loopback:443. It also implies the mechanism to verify allows cross site scripting, at least to that one other domain.