There’s less Reddit meta content on Reddit, why did I come here?
It’s one misguided poster spamming the shit out of a bunch of instances, but this post itself seems to imply a more widespread problem.
What are you trying to achieve with this post? Would you like to spark conversation about this particular person’s crusade ? Or are you the umpteenth poster this month complaining about content referencing Reddit?
Honestly, the bitching about the bitching about Reddit is becoming pretty fucking tiresome, imho. Why are we talking about this? Why did you make this post? Why not just downvote that asshat’s content and move on? It doesn’t contribute, you allegedly don’t care, why post to complain about complaints?
I get it - complaints about complaints, the ‘Inception’ of discourse, right? 😄 My aim was less ‘moan-fest’, more ‘awareness-raising’. But I see how it could have come off as one more tiresome rant. Point taken.
Downvoting? Sure, it’s a tool, but it feels like trying to empty an ocean with a bucket. As a community, can’t we aim higher? Maybe introduce more efficient levers? Let’s not just ‘downvote and move on’, let’s ‘upvote and move up’. Let’s brainstorm and pull this platform to greater heights.
You came here because we need more soldiers
I’m doing my part 😂
What app is that?