But dude. I can’t just sit around, drinking superjuice while bad deeds are committed all around. How shall I select? What to prioritize? Whom to save, whom to ignore? I can’t do it, this pressure! Can’t we just shoot the ceos and be done with it?
Homo Homini Lupus Est
But dude. I can’t just sit around, drinking superjuice while bad deeds are committed all around. How shall I select? What to prioritize? Whom to save, whom to ignore? I can’t do it, this pressure! Can’t we just shoot the ceos and be done with it?
But that’ll bring a new level of responsibility. I couldn’t just be Hercules without trying to rid the world of evil. And I already have plans for the weekend 🤨
Yeah sure,but…it’s 400lbs. I mean, if I did that with every person I hate…oh boy. Strongman in 2 years. World domination in 5. Am I truly ready for this responsibility? Is anyone?
Don’t wanna ruin the fun, but I’d argue a 100lb (to continue the weird measures) boulder would more than suffice.
Don’t thank me for just being normal. We should kick those that are egocentric asswipes. They made it normal to be an arse.
Depends. If they treat you loyally too, you should too. I always treated my employees as equals and any gain in profits was evenly distributed.
In a perfect world that would be the norm. People actually liking their work, having a good balance, and also not just working for someone else but for themselves. Do help make it a good year and we all have a good year. Can’t make it to work today? No problem. As long as the respect is mutual.
But people with tiny egos and great greed are ruining everything.
Dude, did you ever think about the bank and their losses? Heartless egomaniac. They must live too!
Wow. Great argument. Watch out you don’t get beaten by cops in that frightening place you seem to have to live in.
Lol. Cool, you found anecdotal “proof” they’re all bad. On an islamist news-source. ACAB 😁
Every country I’ve visited so far. But most experience in germany. In all those decades i haven’t met an arsehole-cop. Despite their not-so-greatly-adequate pay. Probably because all the trigger-happy ego-tripping arsewipes don’t survive the first selection-day and end up in other career-choices.
I’m no cop btw, but had many interactions. Got robbed a lot 😁
Yeah, perfect solution for declining birth-rates. I literally can’t think of ANY other way, no matter how reasonable it might be.
That even beats the retrograde force of islam. I’m impressed.
How about bettering the lifes of people, so they might be more inclined to procreate in this grotesque society? I didn’t procreate decades ago because the world was nuts, and boy was i right to do so. The world is even more grotesque and bonkers now. If i see people, that are not very rich, with kids i immediately have to judge their lack of judgment and their gargantuan egocentrism.
No, stupid idea. Hystoectomies and total control of women is the only real solution. It’s all their fault.
“american cop” please. There are civilised nations with educated, carefully selected and friendly, helpful cops.
We’re not talking about humans. It’s just girls.
/s… Obviously…
Yet… The chance is never zero 😁
Oh sorry, my bad. Islam is known for its strong women’s rights. Class issue? So even more hipocrite than just abusing infidels? Next you probably say IS weren’t muslim because they also kill muslims
A cult that deems women as absolute property does consider non cult-members as property (AKA slaves) too? I’m so shocked and suprised.
Nice. I do collect virii of all kind. U never know 😁
Check out GhostSpectre. Or just the LTSC versions. Or the enterprise-versions where you can tell it what you want or not.
Worry not. According to tradition, win 12 will be pretty solid 😉
Haha, most excellent comic, didn’t know that one. A perfect conclusion good sir. Let me try to counter: