Unfortunately, it completely tracks. If Dad was born in 85, has kid at 20, that kid is now 20. I’m pretty sure I have classmates whose kids are around that old now that I think about it.
Unfortunately, it completely tracks. If Dad was born in 85, has kid at 20, that kid is now 20. I’m pretty sure I have classmates whose kids are around that old now that I think about it.
Yes. Now they have another “one of the good ones” on their side that they can beat about. This totes proves they’re not racist /s
I find it fucking hilarious that in 2015 he was calling black artists who would perform at Trump’s first inauguration an “uncle tom”, only to become my mother’s brother Thomas.
Stealing this (unless someone has a higher quality version)
They really should have given me a smock to wear instead of me being in my street clothes.
They should have for hygienic reasons, not even for your own comfort. Hell, I only did IT for places like that and they made me gown up and shit just to go onto the factory floors, and I wasn’t even working on anything even touching the machinery. Just entering the area was enough to make me have to gown up.
That’s your mistake, you should have included accessories for the guitar so they’d feel guilted into buying it for you.
Or you just get a bunch of accessories and nothing to use then with.
“How dare you call me useless after I return the same incorrect response for the 8th time even though you’ve told me I’m wrong 7 different ways! Come back when you can be more civil.”
That was a previous term for climate change.
You absolutely could pay for a lower rating if you chose to also pay for the equipment to step down the supply to your intake values. That what a transformer substation is for, and why the factory and residential lines can share the same upstream but get different local outputs. It’s just going to be so much more expensive that you’re never going to go that route unless you’ve got a lot of people that want to do the same.
It is more reasonable to charge you for the generation and distribution of 2A than for your 2A service to be charged the same “connection fee” as your cryptobro neighbor.
Is that not what your consumption fee is for? You’re paying for generation/distribution for the power you use, and the power company also tacks on a base fee to account for other maintenance costs that had been bundled but were being lost due to net metering.
From a collective perspective, it makes sense to pay to connect, and also pay per usage when you have the potential to have distributes generation, but centralized maintenance of the shared infrastructure.
Why is Mr. Ampandahalf paying the same connection fee as Mr. Wunetty?
… because consumption and service connectivity aren’t the same? Consumption and connectivity are two different line items on the bill representing different costs associated with the service.The high consumer will pay more on the quantity used, and possibly at a higher a per unit basis if it exceeds expected values.
From your hypothetical, no one is noted as having a different service hookup, so they’re paying for the same service hookup. What part of that are you struggling to grok?
E: removed unnecessary phrase
I propose a new term: feather man. For when even a straw man looks like a steel man compared to your argument.
Why are the industrial factory and normal residences using the same electrical hookup? Seems fair if they use the same hookup.
Oh, they’re not? So then the factory likely pays one rate for their industrial connection that needs to pull more power than standard residential usage, and normal consumers pay a lower rate for their lower connection provided.
Is the person’s connection to the grid using less energy a smaller connection, or is it the same? If they’re the same, why should someone using less be charges less of a connection fee? Why would usage impact a fixed on/off fee, especially with per-unit usage rates?
Lol, they gonna turn your sub into a Titan, just like they turn those yachts into subs.
If everyone is autistic, then no one is autistic
Jokes on you, climate change means unpredictable weather, so you’ll actually get worse blizzards.
To be fair, that’s pretty much always been what settlers are. In very few circumstances did settlers actually settled a new land, the majority of the time “settlers” invaded and stole native land.
But yeah, call this shit what it is.
Half of that is just ADHD