So have you tried pressing enter or did you click the top thing under the URL bar dropdown that said “google search result” cuz uhhhhhh
So have you tried pressing enter or did you click the top thing under the URL bar dropdown that said “google search result” cuz uhhhhhh
I assume he is going to try and force them to sell to musk
These are instructions for those who are picky about stuff.
Just cook in it. After cooking, wipe it out. If its bad, when pre-heating I pull it off to put some water and rub with a pad with minimal soap, rinse that off, and back on the hob. Wow 15s of work before cooking. The horror.
The instructions rumba gave were “if you absolutely fuck up, here are easy ways to fix that so you don’t have to buy a new one”
Most sites I’ve ordered from that use shop will still email a link to tracking number, you don’t need to download shop to track it.
Nah. Oat, or pea milk.
Unless you’re one of them weirdos who actively likes 2% milk then sure soy or almond.
Tigers also kill people way more often than bears.
Stats on this are hard to compare because black bears are responsible for 1.2 kills in the US per year and tigers are like 34 kills per year in India which does have like 4x the population of humans, but also there’s a LOT less tigers to do that killing [like 5,000 tigers to 400,000 black bears] So like… yeah.
I mean, they very likely won’t, but you do you.
Looked it up fairly recently (cuz you know men got mad about bears or whatever) but don’t have source on me: Black bears cause about 1.2 human deaths per year across all of America.
I better have both hands on the wheel for all those times I’m mid turn and shift while still moving into reverse……
It’s… for when you’re backing up. You’ve come to a complete stop. You’re going to stop before you start moving forward again. It’s not hard to tilt glasses onto the top of your head while you stop or flip them back down when you stop.
A MUCH bigger issue would be the rear view mirrors which are just cameras and screens.
Are you mixing the two up?
Good thing glasses are permanently superglued to your face and thus it’s impossible to swap between having them on and off when swapping between going backwards and forwards…
Fucking lol. Good thing we don’t subsidize ANYTHING AT ALL and never export anything either. Boy. You’d have to be EVIL to want your country to have AFFORDABLE CARS. What’s next, AFFORDABLE HOUSING?
General question, because I don’t give a shit about blockchain to research it.
Does it have a way to quickly and effectively handle fraud? And don’t tell me “there’s no way to commit fraud” because people can steal wallet passwords no fucking problem. With most banks they will actively track fraud, cancel those transactions, and restore your funds and possibly shut down the card automatically while still allowing the account to exist so you can access your money. Is that the case with blockchain?
What? Again, the images are real. They just take 50 shots and use the best frame and thus movement can happen in between. They’re not using AI to make it into what they think the image should be. They’re just stitching together a bunch of frames taken from basically the same time (1-2 seconds) into one picture.
What? All of the photo is real. It’s just taken like 50 frames over a second or two and chosen the best. Since it sees 3 “people” it chooses the best for each “person” which leads to those 3 not being from the exact same, but still close enough.
I can’t imagine very many photos in evidence being like “well we can see you were holding the knife , actively stabbing toward them and also that they were stabbed to death by the knife, but I mean who knows WHAT could’ve happened in the one second the phone took the picture it stitched together to create this.”
To be fair home solar is also not $89 for a Mwh. Least not here.
I mean I don’t really care if China has my data. Rather them than a US company. Not much china’s government can do about me (and not like I’m gonna be some high priority target for them so, whatever. If they wanted my data that bad they could just buy it from every American company anyways. )
Understandable though if you don’t want china having your data. I just have mostly given up on caring about it. Someone is gonna have my data anyways.
Literally say I have uBO on so lol chill. It works fine so I see no need to swap. Been using opera since before it went chromium and it’s been fine so no real need to swap. Haven’t run into issues with being told to use chrome/edge I’ve seen people post on here, haven’t run into issues with having to update uBO or anything for it to work with YouTube so I’m fine. Plus workspaces and CPU/Internet limiters are nice.
Same on OperaGX, zero issues with their Adblock+Ublock Origin.
Yeah, sad. Peace tea used to be fairly solid.