Yeah, but they had predators that could attack at night. Could potentially be more effective than an alarm clock, but could be infinitely less effective as well.
Nothing interesting to put here
Yeah, but they had predators that could attack at night. Could potentially be more effective than an alarm clock, but could be infinitely less effective as well.
Same. Sometimes I can hear the alarm in my dream and be like “damn what’s this sound? it’s really annoying” and still not wake up. If I was a caveman, I’d probably be dead by now
Ah yes, you’re using base 10. I get it.
what if your code was so shity that it caused the compiler to segfault?
Didn’t know that David Coulthard has a sister
if not fren then why fren shaped?
I mean “Wongstein” does sound cool
Being able to fit a java class name in 1 line
Vim user here. The only way to exit vim is to pray to the Vim gods and sacrifice your first born, hoping that they’ll cause a cosmic ray to hit the right spot in the memory to flip the right bit that causes it to exit. There are no alternatives.
Imagine still using Tailwind when things like UnoCSS exists
fitting username
And what are the consequences for Israel for these false allegations? Oh right, none.
I don’t give a shit about what religion you believe in, big or small, monotheistic or polytheistic. You have the personal right to believe in whatever bullshit you want to believe in; that should be none of my business as long as you don’t force it upon others or justify bigotry with it.
There are many definitions of cults, including some that only apply “unorthodox” religious or philosophical beliefs. And some more broad definitions, like (from Wiktionary)
“The veneration, devotion, and religious rites given to a deity (especially in a historical polytheistic context), or (in a Christian context) to a saint.”
and especially
“A group of people having an obsession with or intense admiration for a particular activity, idea, person, or thing.”
And I think these definitions fit for all religions, unorthodox or not. All religions are cults, and I am not saying that derogatorily. All religions are equally valid (or invalid) because all of them rely on beliefs without evidence, just different ones. And one set of dogma is hardly any better or worse than any other set of dogma. Just don’t force yours on others and keep to yourself, and I am fine with any set of dogma.
All religions are cults as far as I am concerned
Man I fucking love the Rust compiler. Easily the most understandable and useful error messages I’ve ever seen.
I don’t think anyone points at Nazi Germany as an example of a leftist system
I’ve seen many idiots do that unfortunately
I know plenty of people that use vim/neovim for web development. I am also one of them