Indeed. The only time I’ve found ChatGPT useful is as a backboard for debugging obscure build and linker errors
Indeed. The only time I’ve found ChatGPT useful is as a backboard for debugging obscure build and linker errors
I had a linker error in Rust for the first time today and I started crying til I saw someone say to just delete the build cache lol
You might like Oxygen Not Included as well
Honestly I just open up a new project and start fucking around until I figure out syntax, language features, and how files relate to each other
I think it sounds like an excellent “deep dive” project, but don’t get your hopes up that a million people will use it. Ultimately I believe this will be a test of your statistics and math skills more than anything,
I think you could probably reasonably complete the application itself in 1-3 months, but I have no idea how long it would take to complete the matching/recommendation algorithm.
Blocking this guy. His articles are subpar from a writing standpoint and uninteresting from a technical standpoint. Someone please let me know if his content’s qualify improves.
Gets you to slow down and pay attention to your surroundings, doesn’t it? That’s the point, if you build roads that feel cramped to drivers they’ll naturally drive slower (i.e. actually the speed limit). Building all streets like they’re highways is a good way to get people going 50-60 mph on roads with houses directly on them.
Svelte is the way to go
Can someone tell me why I should care about this rather than just continuing to use my password and 2FA?
The way I see it, one’s race is something to be celebrated, cherished, and to be proud of, but it should never be the basis for how you treat other people.
I’d argue the opposite - Rust is the perfect fit for the entire stack. We don’t even need JS with libraries like Yew
This is way better than it has any right to be
Agile is legitimately good and is the bar for how software should be built as a team. Enterprise scrum is objectively bad and I don’t understand how anyone gets any amount of work done under it.
Claymation is a blessing to society
My brain always reads PGP and GPG as “Pretty Good Protection and Gretty Pood Grotection”
Is there a reason you’re not just doing “cargo run”?