I believe they are referring to the Challenger lunar launch that exploded. What they believe it came down to was a tolerance issue in the O-Rings they were using which if I remember right was a concern already placed by the engineers.
I believe they are referring to the Challenger lunar launch that exploded. What they believe it came down to was a tolerance issue in the O-Rings they were using which if I remember right was a concern already placed by the engineers.
The original image has something along the lines of “I hate this system” and the smug guy in the well is saying “Ah, and yet you participate in said system!” as a gotcha. I think the purpose in this one is just carrying over the smugness with which people post the XKCD when any new possible technological standard is proposed (whether or not it has any merits)
Works on my machine
Assuming we ever find a way to get the plastic out of everything
You’ve got it right. English just sucks lol. It’s pokey
Google has R&D ADHD. They get halfway to refining good ideas and then drop them for the new shiny. From the interviews with engineers in the article it seems like it comes from senior management.
I think the term the space boys use is “oblong ellipsoid” if you’re feeling pedantic.
Yes, but it’s the only even one. Making him the odd man out
lmao needing caffeine apparently. Leaving it up because I’d love shuttles to go that far one day :P