Melon Husk! Melon Husk! Melon Husk!
Melon Husk! Melon Husk! Melon Husk!
And i thought that’s a very beautiful photoshop, even emulating the light ray.
I guess it’s the top one? Kinda takes a while to take a guess, been a while i seen such mess.
Technically you’re being eaten alive by mushroom if you got fungal infection. It just not a very big bite.
They are friend. All they care is taking that land and other thing ain’t matter to them.
Fucking ADL coping hard lmao. The organisation that will call anything antisemite, and the best friend to Trump and the current government, is saying this isn’t nazi salute. Yet you think they’re credible?
Just about to say this lmao
But i did a search anyway, and based on article below seems like in china in some place they have different 北瓜 based on location, zucchini, chinese squash, and the long pumpkin.
Hold up, you’re right! For some reason i multiply what i would get a month by…365, and not 12. Whoops.
Ehh, wouldn’t mind paying million in taxes. I’ll be making millions a year through step alone since i take around 10k each day.
Mudcrab Saga when
Yeah, what’s with all these unNEScessary violence.
Bread is a whole lot of work to make than say, rice. Bread isn’t cheap, it’s only cheap because some of the ingredient might’ve been subsidised in one way or another, to make sure the country isn’t starving. It’s popular among us peasant because it could last, it’s one of the most versatile ingredient available, and it’s filling.
Maybe bring back Vine or something.
What llama?