Or your own after six months.
Or your own after six months.
Don’t even have kids, and giving parenting advice?
I live in the world. I know what I don’t like to see in breeders failing to train their crotch goblins. So yeah, I give advice. Sue me.
Luckily such daughter will always be imaginary for me.
Take her smartphone and give her a Nokia. She will have a battery that lasts a week and that excuse will be moot :)
I get that JSON is intuitive and a huge improvement over XML, but I still find it verbose.
Slippery slope fallacy detected
Very educational.
I hate table definitions in TOML with a passion.
I like YAML. I guess that’s because I don’t need to build parsers for it. What’s your worst complain about it?
Damn that should crash and burn as G+ did.
Damn, I’ll have to leave behind Opera GX.
The plural of anecdote is not data.
I meant the new implanted personality. Not historically new.
Vim and EMACS require tons of plugins and a brain transplant to feel confortable using them.
And the new personality tends to be somewhat evangelical about the editors 😄
“Explicit is better than implicit” and “There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it” in The Zen of Python exist, I’m sure, as a direct reaction to Perl’s magic variables and TIMTOWTDI.