Unhinged behavior
Unhinged behavior
Python has one of the worst syntaxes out there
I love you so much NullPointerException
2012 called, they want their meme back
Duude this is so cool. Is there a watch like this for galaxy watch?
I’m really hoping google goes to shit like facebook.
I map caps lock to esc with setxkbmap. Much more fun ergonomically.
It has the perfect stack
Been only using VSCodium for years. Really flawless.
Works perfectly
Syntax wise, JS, specially TS has a great syntax and go is much weirder. I don’t care what the haters say. JS syntax is very understandable. And you can see why Rust has borrowed a lot of syntax from TS and JS. And I think knowing js is much more useful,but if you want to build big backends with good performance, go is better.
I don’t understamdduplicatiomn of knowledge. Can someone explain?
It’s good for new, unrelated stuff. For example if you’re just starting to work with python, or just want to test some project, its much easier to setup than nvim or emacs. I also like intellij idea. I think in terms of just works, it is much better. But it is more resource intensive