Huh neat. Also its always fucking GM.
Huh neat. Also its always fucking GM.
I have two thoughts.
Damn thats beautiful and Saab as in the guys who made jets for various European nations during the cold war? Is this a Toyota situation where they make cars as well as military equiptment.
Freebird is playing, let my man cook!
Your fiance knows neither taste nor balance.
Oh you sweet summer child, I can garuntee at least one person can fit a traffic cone up their ass.
Look at my name of course I know how to use tge term profligate.
Ave true to Caesar.
These types dont know anything about guns, they may be able to shoot them but the background, development, and history of the weapon is of not relevancy to them. If I was to fix this graphic id swap the AKs with either a pair of Colt M16s or FNFAL, ya know the left and right arm of the free world. Also id center the damned image something this profligate was apparently incapable of doing.
Channel locks, adjustable wrench, or plyers are also acceptable. Plus then ya know damned well where they are.
But with this easy trick we can change that. BILLY MAYS HERE! Presenting the all new baby chipper.
For the Twilight one there was a bit of a piss take renaissance on YouTube for a bit. Probably folks reading it to see how bad it is.
Okay but what about the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith? I doubt its comparable but id assume ya guys move some copies entirely because of EU4.
As someone who lives near Crestline and Lake Gregory I wouldnt even be surprised if the background was based off og it
Reject society, embrace raiding Anglo-Saxons with the homies.
Spongebob canonically has a skeleton, we see it multiple times. Maybe its cartilage like a shark.
Shes English right? I could use a new leather and fur coat.
Why does this sound like a Meat Canyon bit.
Isnt there a dude in New York who just runs around wearing a rat mask? I feel like the turtles are slightly more normal, also Vermin Supreme is close enough that at any given time he could theoretically be in New York.
Which depending on context could be as simple as “I dont care ill mind my own business you mind yours.” which I suspect is what most folks opinions boil down to.
Worse case scenario you get Isekai which for an immortal would probably be kinda nice.
Im cracking up at maker, though id hold that in my back pocket if I was the kid since it radiates such sass.