What makes you think that?
Great American humorist. C# developer. Open source enthusiast.
XMPP: wagesj45@chat.thebreadsticks.com
Mastodon: wagesj45@mastodon.jordanwages.com
Blog: jordanwages.com
What makes you think that?
Fair. The rest of the site is a lot more normal. More being a relative term, of course.
And hundreds of thousands of years of evolution pre-training the base model that their experience was layered on top of.
C# is good. I use Visual Studio on Windows, so I’m not familiar with the tooling in VS Code in Linux, but I’ve heard good things. .NET is a nice environment to work in, the runtime works on all the OSs, and you can even package it into a self-contained binary with a little finagling.
This has amused me. Thank you for the amusement.
I think a lot of people in this thread are just upset/projecting because this is the first real hint that they’re not as much of a special-boy-programmer as they think. OP’s use case is fairly limited in scope, using the LLM for something it is actually pretty good for, and never implied he doesn’t check the output. They’ll never admit it, and will deflect, but they’re just worried.
Of course he knows why he made the changes. He made them. But computers are much faster as typing and with a sophisticated enough LLM you can offload some gruntwork. I’d argue if you’re not utilizing all the tools at your disposal, you’re not performing like you should.
lighten up man
It was corrupted in much the same way the stock market was corrupted. That whole thing is mostly speculative gambling now, when it was supposed to about profit sharing with companies that were either sound investments currently with steady profits or up-and-coming companies that had potential. Now it’s just casino gambling betting on prices that are completely divorced from reality that expects infinite growth of made up value.
It wasn’t altruistic per se, but that doesn’t make it nefarious, either. At it’s core, it was just a network connectivity design that resists node failure. It was us that used that foundation to create a virtual space that everyone could participate in. We now have outsized bad actors like Google and Microsoft and Amazon and alphabet agencies that are trying to influence that virtual space, but its culture was built by us.
Doesn’t seem like he was implying anything. Just stating the fact that part of the burden of citizenship is sometimes having to interact with law enforcement, maybe even go to trial, even if you’ve done nothing wrong.
I’m no closer to understanding how the original meme is so out of date.
I thought the point was a mental BDSM exercise where you come to others for help and are instead punished for your ignorance.
Posters aren’t saying that its impossible to put search results through an LLM and ask it to cite the source it reads. They’re saying that the neural networks, as used today in LLMs, do not store token attribution in the vocabulary or per node. You can implement a system for the neural network to work in that provides it the proper input (search results) and prodding (a prompt that encourages the network to biasing toward citation), not that the single LLM can conceptualize of that on its own.
Consider switching now. Your continued usage is contributing to the user numbers they see reported that gives them the confidence to pull this shit in the first place.
What country is that?