Ah, so you’re treating your intuition like it’s universal fact and then claiming to be the victim of gaslighting when someone disagrees. Have a great life!
“Meat is muscle, and insects must have muscles to move - its just that their muscles are inside their external skeleton rather than outside their internal skeleton. In fact i have seen insect muscle, when i watched a preying mantis eat a large blow-fly.”
Almost like they have actual meat on them?
Trying to gaslight into “eat the bugs” isn’t going to work
They’re pretty much all meat? Bugs aren’t empty. Chill out man
I’m not trying to convince anyone, I do think the double standards are pretty stupid. I never ate a tarantula but I’m sure its pretty meaty.
Also everyone uses gas lighting in different contexts so I think the word should be banned. I don’t have a clue anymore what it is supposed to mean.
When I was in Cambodia, I saw street vendors frying up tarantulas, with lots of locals gathering around for snacks.
I’m not sure I’m ready to eat that, but they seemed to like it.
The gas lighting is real
Gaslighting is when I like something that you don’t
Claiming bugs have meat
Ah, so you’re treating your intuition like it’s universal fact and then claiming to be the victim of gaslighting when someone disagrees. Have a great life!
Because they aren’t meaty at all lol
“Meat is muscle, and insects must have muscles to move - its just that their muscles are inside their external skeleton rather than outside their internal skeleton. In fact i have seen insect muscle, when i watched a preying mantis eat a large blow-fly.”
No longer must you suffer looking like a fucking idiot, making claims unsubstantiated simply because you “feel” they’re correct.
Behold! Google!
Well I don’t care for propaganda sites. I know “eat the bugs” is currently pretty high up.
But again, using the term “meaty” to describe a tarantula where the most you will eat is the exoskeleton is just bad faith
Okay, insecty then whatever you want to call it
tell it to the frogs
They have more meat than an insect tho