I judge my body wash on the basis of if it can clean my antiperspirant off by the end of the day. (Shower at night before bed). Many men’s body wash require you to do a lot to get it to clean… Tried a seasonal pomegranate something one aimed at women one time and it smelled great and I hardly had to do anything more than just apply it. Win win. Then I never found it again. Dove products are cheap usually near me, some are terrible, some are amazing. I’m sure if I was smarter I’d read the ingredients and figure out what works best and verify it was in the new product, but maybe I’ll leave that for next year.
Just use regular non-antiperspirant deodorant. Anti-perspirant is bad for you and for your skin. It just forces your body to try even harder to sweat through it on top of the questionable chemistry. If you have a particular issue with the stank, just keep some with you or keep it at work to re-up. Not only will your armpits thank you, but so will your shirts. You can do that or keep using harsh chemicals for your armpits, harsh chemicals to get their residue off, and go through clothing like it’s toilet paper—or give your body the chance it hasn’t had since puberty to maybe cool off a bit. Give it a whirl.
I just assume that if it cleans off harder to remove substances like antiperspirant, it also would remove the oils and what not easier that get on me elsewhere. Grease, whatever. Need to remove oils from ivy, id rather it comes off easy and not have to find out a missed a spot. Convenience is a lazy man’s paradise.
So many companies are dumb and only advertise to women on products that can be used for everyone.
They’re not dumb, marketing towards woman is just more effective
Just saying as a guy in my 20s I never thought I could use all those products till I got married. Never thought of it
I judge my body wash on the basis of if it can clean my antiperspirant off by the end of the day. (Shower at night before bed). Many men’s body wash require you to do a lot to get it to clean… Tried a seasonal pomegranate something one aimed at women one time and it smelled great and I hardly had to do anything more than just apply it. Win win. Then I never found it again. Dove products are cheap usually near me, some are terrible, some are amazing. I’m sure if I was smarter I’d read the ingredients and figure out what works best and verify it was in the new product, but maybe I’ll leave that for next year.
Just use regular non-antiperspirant deodorant. Anti-perspirant is bad for you and for your skin. It just forces your body to try even harder to sweat through it on top of the questionable chemistry. If you have a particular issue with the stank, just keep some with you or keep it at work to re-up. Not only will your armpits thank you, but so will your shirts. You can do that or keep using harsh chemicals for your armpits, harsh chemicals to get their residue off, and go through clothing like it’s toilet paper—or give your body the chance it hasn’t had since puberty to maybe cool off a bit. Give it a whirl.
I don’t know what anti perspirants you’ve been using, but Rituals ones don’t stain or leave residue on any of my clothes.
Yeah nah, i think I’ll stick to my antiperspirants. Having to spray periodically seems inconvenient
I just assume that if it cleans off harder to remove substances like antiperspirant, it also would remove the oils and what not easier that get on me elsewhere. Grease, whatever. Need to remove oils from ivy, id rather it comes off easy and not have to find out a missed a spot. Convenience is a lazy man’s paradise.