Common knowledge
You don’t have to back up absolutely everything you say with evidence (or you’d soon run out of wordcount to advance your own point properly!). Some things are common knowledge. That could mean that a fact is just generally known by everyone, and not disputed or in doubt. This could include:
•facts such as London is the capital of the United Kingdom
•well documented dates such as the start of the First World War in 1914
•H20 being the chemical formula for water
•things which everyone knows from their lived experience, such as the sky is blue.
This is false actually. Any claim can be dismissed and evidence doesn’t matter because nobody cares. The best way to convince people of things is with cheap psychological parlor tricks
a claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
Unless it’s common knowledge or easily sourced.
no. support your claims
🫡 Really
Edited for formatting
This is false actually. Any claim can be dismissed and evidence doesn’t matter because nobody cares. The best way to convince people of things is with cheap psychological parlor tricks
Prove it.
you see that you just did, right? it’s tautological.
Yes, my friend, I did see.