Food insecurity in the USA exists without anyone sanctioning it. Stores have literally started locking deodorant and baby formula behind glass to prevent more theft.
But you think a Newsweek story about a single person stealing a pack of butter is evidence that the sanctions are working?
One stick of butter. 😭🤧 Fortunately Newsweek assures me the US economy is doing great! I wonder if anyone has stolen A BUTTER in the US recently? Is the US under sanctions? I wonder.
You know I’m positively tickled by this as normally liberals want to claim that sanctions are an attack on a country’s ruling class but here you openly gloating about how you think that their population is starving, very humanitarian of you.
Sure - that’s why people are resorting to stealing butter from grocery stores. Positively thriving.
Food insecurity in the USA exists without anyone sanctioning it. Stores have literally started locking deodorant and baby formula behind glass to prevent more theft.
But you think a Newsweek story about a single person stealing a pack of butter is evidence that the sanctions are working?
One stick of butter. 😭🤧 Fortunately Newsweek assures me the US economy is doing great! I wonder if anyone has stolen A BUTTER in the US recently? Is the US under sanctions? I wonder.
You know I’m positively tickled by this as normally liberals want to claim that sanctions are an attack on a country’s ruling class but here you openly gloating about how you think that their population is starving, very humanitarian of you.