• someguy3@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The Reagan administration purposely ignored HIV.

    As gay men, transgender women, and LGBT people in general were disproportionately afflicted with AIDS, some critics have suggested that Reagan’s lack of action was motivated by homophobia, though other commentators have put forth alternate explanations such as political inconvenience or ignorance. A common belief at the time held that AIDS was a “gay plague”, and many social conservatives of the time, including some in the White House, believed the response to the crisis should center homosexuality as a moral failing. Reagan’s response to AIDS is generally viewed negatively by LGBT and AIDS activists, as well as epidemiologists, while some commentators and scholars have defended aspects of his AIDS response. Criticism of Reagan’s AIDS policies led to the creation of art condemning the government’s inaction such as The Normal Heart, as well as invigorating a new wave of the gay rights movement.
