The phoronix title is a bit click bait, but the LKML thread that is linked in the article is worth reading.

    18 days ago

    This maintainer is pulling rank on those below him. He is causing people making good contributions to Linux to quit the project. Yet he cannot handle his own decisions being overridden and he is attempting to force his agenda by threatening to quit.

    His says that he cannot abide by a mixed code base and that, if that is the way Linux goes, he will “spend his time doing something else”.

    Well, the time for that argument was a while ago. It was already decided to make Linux a mixed code base. If this maintainer is saying that he cannot support this decision, he needs to go at some point. What makes him better than all the people he is causing to quit?

    If Linus does let this stand, it is a total failure of leadership.

    The Linux Project either needs to accept technically sound Rust contributions or it needs to acknowledge that it is abandoning its Rust experiment.

      17 days ago

      I wouldn’t correct you if this was a general community where the internet gantry hangs in numbers like the multiple !linux communities, but let’s keep things more factual here in !rust.

      After Wedson quit months ago, no one from the Rust-For-Linux effort has quit/resigned/whatever. No one quit who is relevant to current mainline kernel development in general, either.

      There is a difference between the actual Rust-For-Linux team, and Rust proponents who may write kernel code out-of-tree, or may happen to still be listed as maintainers in a dead poor GPU driver. Confusing the two is good for drama, but let’s not do that here.

      And the bad boy maintainer is entitled to his opinion (which I disagree with of course). An opinion which will always be more informed and relevant than 99.999% of whatever the internet gantry has been contributing.

        15 days ago

        He is entitled to his opinion, he is not entitled to insult people because of that though and he should not be allowed to influence the course of the project as a whole in this major way if he couldn’t even be arsed to bring his opinion when everyone else was having that discussion three years ago.