no the bullshit of nazism as a driving force in ukraine or zelensky for that matter. In addition nazis are bad because of their actions. Like invading their neighbors with their military. Not cause some jagoff invokes a meme.
yes. there are pictures in your meme. That. Is. True. It shows a canadian function with a visiting dignitary clapping for the ceremony about some dude who did something that was so far before most folks were born that they did not even know the details. Hey do you know what I do know the details about. And it happened in my lifetime and not to long ago so I know the detail. pissant putin and his pathetic invaded ukraine to steal crimea and since no one did anything about it he decided to try and steal some more. but this time. there were ones who did something about it. And they will continue. and guess what. the war will not be won by propoganda and memes no matter how desperately pathetic putin is.
That’s just deflection. They said he fought against the USSR. We all know what that means even if you didn’t live through the war. Putin is defending Russia agaisnt the aggressor Ukrainians and their friends in NATO. Ukraine was a threat to the free people of the world. Ukraine is losing and you denying it doesn’t change that fact. Russia can keep this up for far longer than Ukraine can. Zelensky and his goons are Nazis and will soon be destroyed. Death to Ukraine!
Its funny to think someone thinks this will get people to buy into the bullshit.
Bullshit? Bullshit of Nazism? I don’t think anyone with more than 1 brain cell buys into it. Unfortunately the dictator of Zelensky does
no the bullshit of nazism as a driving force in ukraine or zelensky for that matter. In addition nazis are bad because of their actions. Like invading their neighbors with their military. Not cause some jagoff invokes a meme.
There is a picture of Zelensky clapping for a Nazi. It’s right above in my meme.
yes. there are pictures in your meme. That. Is. True. It shows a canadian function with a visiting dignitary clapping for the ceremony about some dude who did something that was so far before most folks were born that they did not even know the details. Hey do you know what I do know the details about. And it happened in my lifetime and not to long ago so I know the detail. pissant putin and his pathetic invaded ukraine to steal crimea and since no one did anything about it he decided to try and steal some more. but this time. there were ones who did something about it. And they will continue. and guess what. the war will not be won by propoganda and memes no matter how desperately pathetic putin is.
That’s just deflection. They said he fought against the USSR. We all know what that means even if you didn’t live through the war. Putin is defending Russia agaisnt the aggressor Ukrainians and their friends in NATO. Ukraine was a threat to the free people of the world. Ukraine is losing and you denying it doesn’t change that fact. Russia can keep this up for far longer than Ukraine can. Zelensky and his goons are Nazis and will soon be destroyed. Death to Ukraine!
its always hard to tell with you guys if you are in the russian buble and actually believe the fud or are just a paid stooge.
its always hard to tell with you guys if you are in the UkraNazi buble and actually believe the fud or are just a paid stooge
You’re a fucking moron.
Ah ableism! How endearing
Wow, such idiocy.