20 miles isn’t enough to cover any form of meaningful distance. I wonder what’s going on in that county for this to be pushed for, especially since the DHS didn’t release any actual details about it.
I suppose a fence would technically count as a wall.
What? From union buster segregationist eulogizing Joe?
Jim Crow Joe
According to government data, about 245,000 illegal entries have been recorded in this region during the current fiscal year.
This is an extremely complex issue, but let’s just consider that number for a minute.
That’s about 671 people every day. About 28 each hour. Damn.
Oh god oh fuck people moving across an imaginary line
They. Are. All. The. Same. Party.
This is absolutely not true. This Democratic president allowed this one 20 mile section of border wall to be built, and also supports DACA, common sense immigration reform to increase legal immigration, increased work visas, and more. The leading Republican candidate is trying to build thousands of miles of wall, thinks people should be shot trying to cross the border, and says some people who are US citizens with Latin American heritage should be deported and their citizenship revoked. Where in the living fuck are you getting your information
Stay with me here, what if the democratic party just didn’t do those bad things at all? Or even better, what if we voted for a candidate that wouldn’t do those bad things to begin with?
There are plenty people in the Democratic party who would do things differently, but Republicans universally demonize immigrants and if in power would make life much harder for them.
We live in a democracy where there will always be disagreement between people on policymaking. If you didn’t disagree with a Democratic politician on anything at all, you’re probably in a cult of personality, a la Trump supporters. That in no way means you should stop advocating for the positions you support and voting for candidates that most align with your values.
What we’re talking about here is the difference between Democrats and Republicans after that cynical dude at the top said they were the same when they very much are not. If you don’t support a Democratic candidate in a 2 way race because you don’t support 15% of their positions, you are voting for the Republican, 95% of whose positions you don’t support
I’m not actually voting for either.
Reread the last sentence of the comment you’re replying to.
No candidate will ever be ideal, and apathy just makes things easier for the worst ones. Get off your ass and vote.
I definitely vote in every election. But never for the democrats or republicans.
I misunderstood. If you’re participating in the process and doing what you believe in, that’s cool.
So I guess walls work after all.
According to the Democrats, walls are only acceptable if Israel, or an elected person with a (D) next to their name says they are ok.
I thought Republicans were the more pro-Israel party? I think you’re trying to insult some people, but this just doesn’t make sense
Being pro-israel, receiving money from AIPAC is bipartisan and evil. I’m not really interested in what party is “the most pro-israel.” I am merely pointing out that the rhetoric condemning trumps border wall, by the current president and other members of the democratic party was obviously bullshit especially considering the Israel has been doing the same for much longer then Trump.