China getting pushy, and Russia in a hot war with the West, things need securing, and just … letting it all slide because the spectre of war in bothersome, is simply irresponsible. Here’s to the Free world, long may it reign.
I support AUS forging a bit closer relationship with the West. The coal mining and Chinese money coming into that country is concerning to me.
Chinese money coming into that country
Bit of an understatement, China is still Australia’s biggest trading partner.
Look at this graph of Australian exports, China is their main market and worth 27% of its two way trade.
War is irresponsible, but a multipolar world is not. This is the US securing Australian alignment with the West, nothing more, nothing less.
What do Australians get out of it? Fuck if I know. Their largest trading partner is China. They’re rather isolated from US support in the event of a hot war. They really benefit the most from peace and non-alignment tbh.
The free world? You mean the imperialist monoculture? The one that subjugated 80% of the world’s population? The one that gives aid to Africa and then extracts wealth from the continent at a ratio of 1:27? The one that imprisons the most people in the world? The one built entirely on multiple continuous and ongoing genocides? That free world?
There are quite a few things odd about this article, chief among them, why is it posted on a law firm website? This isn’t news, it’s practically an opinion piece.
Regardless, Sydney Criminal Lawyers undertakes journalism to publish news articles, much like civil liberties defender EFF or entertainment/advertising company Nine/Fairfax.
About the author, from the article’s page:
Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He’s the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.