BEIJING :China, the world's top processor of rare earths, banned the export of technology to extract and separate the critical materials on Thursday, the country's latest step to protect its dominance over several strategic metals.Rare earths are a group of 17 metals used to make magnets that turn power into
“Anyone who questions America’s might is insane! I am a normal person!”
Because every single thing must revolve around America, only one thing can be bad at a time, and if I’m not with you I must be against you.
Oh, were we talking about something being bad? I thought we were just having a non-politically tinted discussion about science and technology
Neutrality is support of the status quo, there are no parties that neither support nor oppose it.
I mean, it’s the most powerful empire ever to exist, one built on ongoing slavery and genocide. It’s difficult to find global problems that don’t lead back to the amerikkkan ruling class.
is this your first day on planet earth?
I forgot, it’s only mature intelligent high-IQ adults who lick the boot of slavery and genocide.
I mean, from here I see only one person feeling obliged to bring up:
boot licking
in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with this, and this person isn’t me. So do yourself a favour and go babble with people who care.
Nothing is connected. We are all individual monads floating in a void, our interactions mediated entirely by the market.