The rear neighbors are also the type of people to be out on a Tuesday afternoon day drinking and listening to overly loud music from a culture I’m not too hot on; so more noise barrier was necessary.
The rear neighbors are also the type of people to be out on a Tuesday afternoon day drinking and listening to overly loud music from a culture I’m not too hot on; so more noise barrier was necessary.
Texas suburban cul-de-sac, one side is road facing with tree/shrub coverage so it’s not obstrusive from the roadway.
The yard also sits probably a foot down from the main ground level so it doesn’t look out of place, the alternative would have been a 6/8 ft fence with like 2 ft vine trellace
Had similar scenario this summer at new house. Solution? We built a 10 ft fence.
Just add more wall when needed.
If you add Benz you get a 4th E sound
Not a huge detail but the original article stated she had been drinking heavily prior to the incident. Definitely had hatred beforehand, but to make you attempt to drown a 3 year old you gotta be out of your wits.
Doesn’t excuse the actions whatsoever and she deserves to face the penalties. Probably should also be ordered to pay the family a sum for trauma.
We need an Olympic sport that’s just track hurdles but replaced with scattered furniture arrangements, and the competitors need to weave through without banging a shin on a coffee table.
People like to imagine “capitalism” as some machine entity that we can disassemble.
It’s people.
People who either inherited or earned too much money through various means, nefarious or otherwise. They in turn have enough money to buy other people’s decisions who are in a place to make these laws but also want more money themselves so they in turn can do the same.
The only way to change capitalism is a full system reset, and to enable restrictions on net worth. Every single position from president all the way down to the smallest assistant needs a full re-roll, no exceptions.
Slap a liquid cooler and you’re cooking at a high speed 2.08 GHz
You can treat cancer, religion is a parasite that needs to be wiped off the face of the planet.
I made the switch to DDG a few days ago and it actually is insane how much more relevant the information is compared to google.
We out here g. Every other week it’s a roll of the dice on if a filling or crown will chip or crack. If only implants didn’t cost baseline $60k I’d fuck right off from the dentist bills and go full robo jaw.
Jesus christ SSH
I like to imagine the bird is just screaming at the grub to taunt it.
Ethically speaking apparently.
This isn’t your every day graveyard. This is A D V A N C E D G R A V E Y A R D
Or do a 2-man rescue and one pumps the chest and the other administers rescue breaths, or more likely just continues blowing constant air to try to get some positive pressure in the airway to fill the lungs.
The real question here i think is what would cause a giraffe to lose a pulse that wouldn’t already likely be it’s cause of death regardless?
This ≥ √Loss={is}
Got me wondering weather or not horses actually know something we don’t. They always had shifty eyes.
People have mixed feelings but having just moved to a place with a disposal unit this year has made trash accumulation so much easier. Never realized how much foodstuffs I would throw in the trash.