I’m a happy Kagi convert, but yeah, this post is indistinguishable from an ad. A disclaimer and perhaps a rationale for posting would have helped.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
I’m a happy Kagi convert, but yeah, this post is indistinguishable from an ad. A disclaimer and perhaps a rationale for posting would have helped.
They recently made that level unlimited. That’s when I became a customer. Before that, I agree, not worth it.
Sounds like 1P handled it about as well as they could, and the attacker didn’t get very far.
I might actually do that.
No, it was to run Teams as a PWA on Linux.
I develop software that runs on Windows, so I have to use it to some degree. I would pay so much money for an officially-supported version that lets me cut out all the shit I don’t need and not deal with stupid thirst tricks. For the longest, I just ran Windows Server in a VM.
I recently installed Edge for a technical reason and was instantly grossed out by all the stupid bling they’ve added to it.
Exchange rates are a bitch
I am both a (T-)SQL expert and a language design enthusiast. IMO, SQL the language is mediocre in its grammar and extremely resistant to cleanliness. Once you get past that, the things you can actually do with it are extremely useful.
I’d love for a better syntax to exist, but it’s a Herculean task to make one. Modern SQL dialects have gargantuan, labyrinthine grammars, and they grow with each new product version. It’s a lot easier to keep adding to that than to build a feature-complete replacement. This is also the reason why most ORMs are so frustratingly limiting: it’s too much work to support the advanced features of one SQL dialect, let alone multiple.
Sounds like it’s time for me to start investigating a move to a different cross-platform chat app. The enshitification continues.
Obligatory “What could possibly go wrong? /s”
Sorry, only interested in Muskodon
Good read. I didn’t really know how radio encryption worked before, and now it makes more sense.
Not so fast. You can do your duty to the Economy by adopting and raising children, reducing the children’s burden on the State and transforming them into productive adult drones who will work for low wages (and who might later reproduce)! Really, unless you adopted three children while reading this, you have been negligent.
I preordered in Canada. Vancouver, specifically.
Batch 4 which ships “late Q4”
Been waiting for this! I pre-ordered as soon as I saw this Lemmy post.
Windows 11 is Linux like my car is a Bluetooth headset.
Enjoying it, and time.