I lived there for years and didn’t know this! That’s insane!
Additional fun fact, Kansas has in the past attempted to annex Kansas City, Missouri.
The metro area being split between MO and KS has also caused a race to the bottom for certain kinds of regulations and taxes because for many businesses the cost of moving between the two states was essentially moving from one side of State Line Rd to the other.
Such a strange metro area.
They didn’t want to compromise their ability to spy on us easily.
My former officemate grew up in Russia in the 80s, he hated a shitload about growing up in the Soviet Union. He raved consistently about two things: the education system and gender equality.
His mother was a mathematician and computer programmer, and he didn’t have issues with school there until after he’d been here (the US) as an exchange student and had some… Cultural differences with his teachers.
“People who smile a lot in Russia are considered to be unintelligent”
In response to that…
I startled my dogs laughing at that last bit.
Last time I dealt with Matlab much was like fifteen years ago when I was helping some people using it for quick interpretation of data. We just kept finding bugs that caused calculation errors (which they fixed pretty quickly TBF) and it was so much slower than any other general programming language we tried. It could be way better now, I wouldn’t know, I haven’t had call to use it since… A circuit simulation class?
In all reality it’s fine for what it does, just like every other language. It’s another tool in the box that’s most useful for a certain set of problems.
Matlab shouldn’t, in my opinion, be used to construct a GUI, or generally be used for any sort of production code. Perfectly fine as a research tool though.
But I digress, my overall point is a meaningless semantic joke. The only people who will get bent out of shape about splitting hairs between “scripting” and “programming” are all people who belong in this community.
Oh it shouldn’t, seeing as how it’s a scripting language and not actually for programming lol
Just pull the trigger, we both know how this ends.
My wife and I have been abusing our Ryobi for like 10 years. I thought it was finally dying, but then I got a new battery, still going strong.
I always start with harbor freight. When I break that one, I buy a nice version of whatever it was. I don’t buy “nice” tools very often. HF is nearly always “good enough.”
I like to think of it as “a little extra sweetness”
I was super precious about all my cast iron for a long time. Then I had a thought watching this “cowboy” YouTuber wash his cast iron with some specialty thing.
“This fucking guy is like pretending to be out on the pasture or whatever. In the actual 1800s, this shit was probably just wiped out, or they used lye soap or something ridiculous! Why the fuck am I being so fucking careful?!?”
Now I do not care, like I’ve had my shit get rusty, crusty, “overheated”, the reality is that it’s a big ass chunk of metal! Short of deformation or intentional or extreme neglect (leaving it in the rain uncovered for 40 years) you will not destroy it.
If it gets too “sticky”, you oil it up and heat it, and bingo, it’s fine again.
Honey crisp is becoming more widely available as the variety’s patent protections ran out a few years ago. Now that you don’t have to have a special license from University of Minnesota to grow them we’re gonna be able to get the “generic.”
Hell, I just planted one a few months ago.
Good for them for attempting to redeem themselves after what they did to my potatoes. But I’ll never forgive them.
They may have fooled you with their cute little rolls and their ability to mitigate human pollution, but I see them.
It’s not the iPads themselves, it’s the addition of Bluetooth and/or wifi to support them. I agree that they can alleviate a lot in terms of paperwork reduction etc. My issue is the additional exposed surface.
It doesn’t, that’s just a very common reaction to these types of articles. I recall having some very intense discussions around stuff like iPads in cockpits. I’m on the “not a fan” side, but I’m also not making avionics software anymore either.
Certification is expensive. But updated dbs are pretty huge and seem to only get bigger over time. Stuff like radio firmware tends to be in the hundreds of KBs though, so for that it really wouldn’t be a big deal either way.
I’d make way more money in defense. I’ve actively avoided it in my career. I spent one summer at LM as an intern. Never went back.