And sometimes killing people is the right thing to do.
Not to mention those stupid overpriced memory cards.
The Vita stands as the best when hacked and paired with a sd2vita.
Maybe the mass produced soft drinks are the problem.
There is stiff competition in that category.
Yeah, a myth according to which source again?
Your second point literally says exactly that. You’re inching as close to justification as you can while maintaining plausible deniability.
Echos the exact same mentality of holocaust denial claims that the Jews were both a dangerous evil and simultaneously treated with utmost dignity.
At no point did I say the tank man was run over.
I’m not sure many people even claim he was.
You argue both that there was no massacre and that violent force against the protesters was justified if it did happen.
Seems like one is meant to excuse the other if disproven.
But I shall play the smallest violin for those poor unarmed tanks killed by violent protesters and their terrifying grocery bags.
The Chinese state like all states reflects purely the will of the state.
For example, I don’t think slaughtering protesters at Tiananmen Square was reflecting the will of the working class.
What it was reflecting was the will of the state to preserve its own power.
Military personnel have families.
You would think that, but there is never “enough” money for the wealthy.
Eve has no friends, only political tools.
The goal of a dating app isn’t to bring people together, it’s to foster endless scrolling and ad engagement.
Simply put the secret service is not the infallible killing machines they’d like people to think they are.
Assuming valve still exists at that point.
No version of French is real Source: this was revealed to me in a dream
Investors are not smart people
Well, Luigi IS making headlines.