That seems absurdly low. Are you sure that all of your criteria are non-negotiable? And entirely uncorrelated?
That seems absurdly low. Are you sure that all of your criteria are non-negotiable? And entirely uncorrelated?
Unseasonably mad
For a first step you can get away with just add, commit, push, and pull. Maybe reset, but tbh using git like svn at first is fine.
Next branch, checkout and merge. At this point show, log, bisect and blame also start to be useful.
I’m not a fan of stash, and would instead recommend reflog and cherry-pick as the first two advanced commands to learn. Then rebase and squash.
He did! He did just diss the All Might Father, Emperor of Linux on Lemmy!
I absolutely agree. An even better structure wouldn’t have a raw password field on the user object at all.
In addition to the excellent points made by steventhedev and koper:
user.password = await hashPassword(user.password);
Just this one line of code alone is wrong.
Zom 100 does this correctly, preserving and enhancing the tone of the series.
Wait, so they had time travel back then? Why don’t we have time travel anymore?
Why would they need a tossing after they had bridges 😳
I don’t have to have feelings about something to value it.
What, are you a cop? No officer, I’ve never broken into an aquarium. Is there even an aquarium in town?
Yes, but also some of polyamory is that not every relationship has to be “we cohabit and have kids and can deal with every single little quietly annoying thing the other does”. Some relationships are focused on sex. Some are focused on breaking into aquariums together. Some are with people across the country and even though you are close it doesn’t make sense to get together more than once a year. Although polyamorous relationships can look like monogamy*2, part of the point is that more focused, smaller relationships can also be romantic.
Downvote it then
Protip: you can actually just write your ansible (or any yaml really( as JSON.