I keep the wine makers in my thoughts as tapping the grape vines is even harder. Those can be super thin from what I understand.
I keep the wine makers in my thoughts as tapping the grape vines is even harder. Those can be super thin from what I understand.
After??? Are you all planning on surviving the after wars? I’ll probably be taken out by a rusty nail after medical breaks down.
Yeah it’s (as far as I know) just aesthetic since the pots were decorative from the 1800s. I don’t think anyone cares about the aesthetics of like brass pipe fittings but for something decorative (like the pots and a wedding ring) the aesthetics matter.
Yeah brass wouldn’t work as brass polishing sucks. I’ve had to spend hours every year polishing the brass pots at my grandparents place. Never again.
I’m starting to worry that I look like Steve Martin in this picture but in my mind I look younger. I shall stay away from mirrors to ensure the illusion.
It’s nice to hear that they are digging into this. I am curious what they will find. I would be surprised if any company could dominate a market so thoroughly as Amazon did without some pretty shady tactics. I would also be happy to be proven wrong.
Did Mongodb change something? I’ve been using the community edition for a good long time.
From this angle it seems to resemble barrel chest which would be an early sign of emphysema but others are saying HGH. It may just be the way he is built and a mixture of overweight though.
I drive a manual because all through the 90s a manual was a lot more reliable and cheaper to fix than an automatic. I also hated the automatic gear selection. It was always in a gear I didn’t want. I recently had a rental car which was a Ford with a 10-speed automatic and yeah they have come a long way. I’ve only ever owned manuals but I think my next car will be an auto. I hear reliability is good now.
I’m thinking Go or Rust would be the logical next step. They probably won’t want an interpreted language so Python is out.
I’m assuming there is an implied /s here
Absolutely nailed the Penguin.
Euromaiden!?!??? Like a major defining moment in Ukrainian history!
I hope we can keep supporting Ukraine. This is one of the few times in history when the scenario is so clear cut good vs evil. The Ukrainians fought hard to get out from under the thumb of Russia and the Russians just couldn’t have that so they invaded. The support the world provides to Ukraine is support provided for all Democracies.
This post gave me high blood pressure.