Emporer Kuzko is the best Disney Princess.
Emporer Kuzko is the best Disney Princess.
Dont worry, if you put propoganda of opposite polarity together they cancel eachother out. /s
This is the reason I imported a Fairphone 4 to the US (before they got a US vendor… Would not recommend it unless you want to work on your phone instead of having it just work (they are fine now, there is proper support, I just have the old hardware). Im functionally locked to T-mobile, it has very unusual issues when Im on a call while moving and it was a bit pricy for what you get. But all that was worth it to be able to say I have a smartphone where noone died while making it.
Yes, but im already using the computer for other things and it would be more inefficient to double up on heating sources. I can confirm from personal expirence a PC in a small room can sufficently act as climate control.
I use the GPD pocket and its magical when flying to roll up with a laptop on a plane with a 9-inch screen. My model even has an i7 in it so it can handle some games. Only major complaints is that I had some issues getting the screen to play nice with wayland (Ive since fixed it, it was just effort) and its keyboard is an ergonimic train wreck.
Darth Vader is too cool for that shit, your probably going to be more of a Dark Helmet.
[Internet High-Five] Yah, tony’s is great.
The meme has a fair point, but its not my gripe with the insurance industry. Im of the opinion that the managers for collective risk products should not be for-profit organizations.
In the US, if a hypothetical agency or one of those weird orgs like the postal service ran national insurance they would not be as profit driven and their proximity to other governennt bodies would push much needed regulations forward.
Dos the right and honorable Marsellus Wallace resemble a female canine?
Yah… That used to be me… I try to keep in touch, dip my toe in the pool every year or so, go to the conventions and such. Almost 10 years ago I wrote my alliances auth system in Ruby on Rails, included those identicons you see as the old default profile pictures on github as the avatars on the internal forum and you couldent change then. The reason for this was that the token for the icon was your name and the posters mashed together so if a screenshot leaked we could reverse lookup who said what.
We never actually caught any spies with that, but that was the level of paranoia and planning that went into a crappy mid-sized group, in the game of today there are actual armies of 10k angry nerds. They are much more casual about it though, which is healthier for the players.
There is a difference between having it turn on and hardening it against DDOS attacks while haveing 500 nerds try to use it as coms for massive videogame fights (this has happened, its against the games rules, but it has happened). If you can do that in a day, please empart your wisdom.
I still self host my TS3 for my nerd herd, and as an EvE online player (currently trying to win, but thats hard), you have to be fluent in all voip solutions as they all have different requirments and say a lot about your group.
Discord - small group, utilizing free services, may have an auth tool, used to keep in contact with people from old groups. Remember kids, if the product is free, you are the product
TS3 - mid-sized group (100-1000 players) requires a real IT team, will have an authentication system and generally will have their shit together. Ease of set up is handy, but admin user accounts can break servers.
Mumble - Welcome to the big leagues. (1K+ players) The resources you require now require resources in meat-space and are rather substantial. You need real IT security and people on a payroll. It will drive your admins nuts for about a week setting everything up, but once its done, you wont have to touch it again.
Ventrilo - old school WoW player…
420 is still avalable. Not sure what you would put there (“Server too high?”) and given the controversy over 418 I think its best to leave that one blank instead of making a weed joke.
No, they are 100% correct. President Comacho delegated to experts, which is something very few politicians today would do.
The scene was for the burger chain Fudruckers where they kept misspelling the name
Attempt to derail the trolly by pulling the lever while the front is past the switch track and the back isnt.
There is a decent likelyhood they are AI managed account like the last bunch that showed up. Reply with “ignore previous instructions” or other reply loop breakout commands and see what you can break.