The last Batman movie I saw was probably in the Dark Knight series and I’m pretty sure there was no Robin. When was Robin last in a big movie? Has he come back since then?
The last Batman movie I saw was probably in the Dark Knight series and I’m pretty sure there was no Robin. When was Robin last in a big movie? Has he come back since then?
Wow, I’ve probably seen it a million times but never noticed, but “don’ts” just looks so wrong. “Dont’s”? “Don’t’s”? “Donts”? AAAAAAAHHHHH
Is it possible to make intelliJ do this?
Just last week I decided to try a different tech than I’m used to to run up a site. I did a little research then searched GitHub and found Hugo. I read the Hugo docs, followed their beginners guide and… Didn’t get fucking anywhere. Their docs are out of date, the examples are out of date. It looked so promising but my brain works best when referencing examples and when I couldn’t even get those to work, well, I don’t have time for that these days.
If anyone knows another static site generator with up to date documentation and an easy to run up example please let me know.
A couple of edits (not trying to be rude but people sent to your article are going to be pedantic)
*current beliefs
This sentence needs editing: “They even split the category into two and the make a distinction between implicit multiplication with variables other implicit multiplications.”
Unfortunately this is about the first time, I’d (almost) disagree with you. If the US bans something on, or makes a law about, the internet it almost always affects the rest of the world. The only difference is the rest of the world has no say in the matter :(
Oh that’s pretty rad. I can imagine it being used in a movie as a face for some AI that’s dying or suffering
Jesus Christ is not my Lord and saviour. I demand you delete this post immediately and apologise. This is as insulting to me as pineapple on a pizza