Woah. First I’ve heard of dioxus. Has anyone here tried it?
Woah. First I’ve heard of dioxus. Has anyone here tried it?
Right? What’s with that? It’s like everyone gets their crate to the minimal working state and stops workings on it.
I started trying out JUCE. It’s a framework for making audio plugins (VSTs). Though I think I’m going to give the rust solution another shot with Vizia.
I decided to give up. Iced just isn’t a mature enough gui framework and the alternatives don’t look great either.
I restarted my plug in project using JUCE tonight and I already have the gui started. It’s c++, so that sucks, but oh well
I don’t have a minimal example yet because I haven’t been able to get it working. The framework I’m using (nih-plug) uses a specific version of iced though, so I’m going to try to just model mine off their example. I don’t think it uses the pure version.
Very cool. I’ll have to try it out. I just started using React, and I’m beginning to love it. React with rust sounds like heaven.