I just installed consentomatic right now and I didn’t know it existed thank you
I just installed consentomatic right now and I didn’t know it existed thank you
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northrop_Grumman_X-47B Software from this project, I suspect, is being used to autonomously pilot these planes. I think this is an automated drone strike.
I think that 800 dollars is just too much. The software stack underneath is BSD based.
I prefer the 'ole $sudo dd -i /dev/random -o /dev/sda
Or bodies are in a constant state of getting older and undergoing collapse. I think that believing in the good old days is a reaction to getting old. I think that believing in some golden past is it reaction to our own bodily degeneration. Fear of our mortality is a powerful force, and I think that a large amount of people externalize/project that fear onto their perception of society.
I always use this command as $rm -fr and read it as remove, for real
Wet ass sandwiches, as written in the ad. I don’t like Arby’s because the bread on their sandwiches is typically stale and is always served cold. Something about roast beef being wet is generally off-putting and most of their sandwiches are roast beef. I think that Arby’s being the only mainstream fast food deli has something to do with my low opinion. Hamburgers have some idiosyncrasies as well: cold cheese, lettuce is gross and wilted, different condiment defaults, ground beef is cheap and garbage tier food in the grand scheme of things. But the thing is that every fast food chain is burgers so the specific bad experiences of one chain are contrasted against the other chains. Jack in the box has greaseball burgers that have the consistency of slop, but, because they can be contrasted against Burger King, which has gimmicky food, nasty defaults, and burgers that are assembled sloppily with accoutrement splattered everywhere and cohesiveness scoring firmly in trash tier, they get a pass. I would argue that all fast food is trash food, but the illusion of choice keeps the whole house of ass-flavored cards standing. You can pick a cohesive slop (JITB) or an non-cohesive slapped together proper burger (BK). The flaws of one are mistakenly compared to the defacto standard of the competition when they should be compared to the real standard of actual good food. Arby’s doesn’t have competition in its space so that defacto standard doesn’t exist, leading people to compare it to delis that aren’t garbage tier food. There is a competition mismatch and Arby’s ends up competing against food outside of its tier, revealing it to be garbage tier. Further discussion is encouraged.
This is awesome
I love my pie hole and I love the functionality of being able to access a VPN and use on my home network stuff on the go it’s pretty good