A word document is xml
A word document is xml
Just say the truth, whose the real “good boy”!
Water is attracted to faith. Under Jesus feet the density is tough as rocks. although the rock water syncs (sinks, but there’s beauty in entropy isn’t there?), what replaced it? More rock water. Peters faith is that of a mustard seed though, so he slips through the cracks between the water molecules
What a dipshit.
It’s time for you to answer the big questions, Freddie. It’s time for you to look inward and answer, what do YOU want.
You leave window loose, you get the goose!
You don’t get the context of this joke
We hooked up chatgpt to do code reviews so this is no longer a problem. The Children yearn for the stack
How would you reconcile the great firewall with this view? They censor texts(on many platforms) with certain messages. To do this you obviously need access to the content.
The probability of the tiger actually being able to touch you are zero. The atoms will simply get close but then just hover next to you. The tiger just wants to cuddle :3
The future if text documents were Json: