The question is basically: “are Palestinians people?”. What a facepalm on those pretend-democracies
The question is basically: “are Palestinians people?”. What a facepalm on those pretend-democracies
You can’t deny the influence of Israel on these news outlets though. How is this fucking normal? No one will call it information warfare but that’s what it is
It’s easy to track the source of this one by searching the organisation they quote. Ultimately one should do this no matter the news outlet
Evil gov doing evil stuff? I am shocked
Nothing like an imminent comet extinction to soothe your nerves
He’s missing on some delicious buns though
How one snowflake politician afraid of prison led to thousands of deaths on both sides and still no one is stopping him. Man up b*tch
Close your eyes to feel it
We all started somewhere
Your analysis is right but I think you mean Zionist lobbies. Many Jews have been vocal and condemn Israel’s action. Just because Israel calls itself a Jewish state dies not mean Jews accept to be assimilated with its actions, far from it.
I also agree it’s a miscalculation
Modi’s pockets’ silver lining about to get upgraded
Intentions matter I guess, thank you bot
Threatening courts is the new normal it seems
Avoid planes comrade. It’s not like vlad didn’t know, but any link to him must be suppressed
Whoa this administration caring about genocide is legit
They made this mess; I guess it’s just maintenance
He could even keep his current laptop with this arrangement. Less e-waste. (unless it’s already dead, but for programming I still use a 12 year old vaio that got a second life when ditching windows)