I agree in that it doesn’t need to be required, but I think you’re leaving money on the table and intentionally limiting who can experience the art you’re trying to share with the world.
Buddy, they are not leaving money on the table by limiting who enjoy the experience of their game. I in fact think that ONLY reason they make that kind of money is by being that difficult. It’s their staple, it’s the reason why people go to those kinds of games.
You don’t HAVE to include more than the basic colorblind option and maybe some extra visual cues, but games that go farther and allow more people to enjoy their product are better products for it.
Colorblindness has nothing to do with the difficulty of a game and as much games as possible should include the option as it’s not part of game design, is a human defect.
Souls games are great. I don’t want to ‘get gud’ so I haven’t bought one ever, and with no difficulty drop I probably never will. I don’t have time for that. It’s not a bad game because they don’t have features to make it more accessible to me, but it COULD be a better game if they did.
I am not by any means a “casual gamer” but I’m not a good gamer either, I still played through-out the entire Elden Ring without that much trouble. It ain’t a walk in the park but I think most people could beat it at some point, if not by the normal route you can easily cheese most enemies.
My dude, I have downloaded a lot of his memes and liked most of them. That doesn’t mean it isn’t propaganda.
Check OP’s profile, it’s filled to the brim with “meme” propaganda.
You can clearly see the dirt piled up as a grave. That’s tombstone.
Bu-but they need Muh freedom!!
You are half right but I understand where you are coming from, you see extremism as what the bigots tell you it is (feminism, LGBT+, etc). But I in fact thing that taking an idea and turning the notch to a 100 always turns it bad, for example: Feminism turns into misandry when turn to the extreme, right wing turns into facism, black right movements can turn into black power, religion turns into cults, etc.
But I agree that there are some cases in where this does not apply like gender equality (but thought I don’t know how that works tho).
Wasn’t that a port? Lol
I hated Hogwarts and Hogsmeade but as soon I could explore I got out and explore the shit out of that world on foot.
The worst buy I ever did, boring ass game
I can make that change…
The CIA is the terrorist one
I in fact, hate both
They chose it to mess with the pagan Yule celebrations tho, and what the fuck is Saturnalia?
Bro wants to fact-check me on my own language lmao.
Libre means free as in freedom.
You are seeing the next CEO of that company
Sorry, but is free as in beer. As the word FLOSS exist: Free, Libre and Open Source Software.
Bro can’t be bother to make an extra click lmao