My bad, for some reason I had it in my mind it was similar situation to reservations in the US. Technically independent, but technically kind of not.
I’m sure that would have no negative side effects for the rest of Israel /s 🙄
Nature will be fine, it’s not it’s first rodeo.
Humanity might be fucked though.
Wife: what are you thinking about having?
Me: my ass ate out
Waiter:… I’ll give you some more time.
There are very rigorous building standards
Here’s some festive music to go with this Pic
I used to be that way.
At some point, it just turned into “Fuck it. I’ll get whatever sleep I get.”
I always actually liked the second one better.
“Ok let me check on something”
Uptime: 156 hours
"let’s restart using what I like to call, ‘the right way’ "