Didn’t they pay enough under the table this time?
Oh US made?
So probably an alternative to a rock
That is giving them too much credit.
It is no more than a cover for doing more horrible things.
History is irrelevant
says the guy from the country with the nazi past (and present)
What he is scared of, is progressive western culture. Gay people and trans rights movements give him the heebie jeebies and he doesn’t like that stuff coming closer and closer to russias borders, where imaginary lines on the map do nothing to stop the spread and intermingling of culture and ideology.
That is the same reasoning the israeli fascist use as an exuse about the bad muslims they genocide, interesting.
And this even more:
It is important, he says, to inculcate the nation’s youth with nationalist thought, so they can battle Vladimir Putin’s Russia as well as “challenges that could completely destroy” European civilization. Among those challenges: LGBT rights, which lecturers denounce as a sign of Western decadence.
“You need to be aware of all that,” said instructor Ruslan Andreiko. “All those gender things, all those perversions of modern Bolsheviks who have come to power in Europe and now try to make all those LGBT things like gay pride parades part of the education system.”
These thugs beat up a woman’s rights march, imagine what they would do to LGBT.
As if you genuinely care and not something to validate your racism, Russophobia and aggressive fanaticism.
Had enough of you.
You can join Azov, Sich, Tornado, Safari or any of the many fascist batallions, you will find likeminded people there.
I am not a fan of Putin either.
But NATO forced his hand, as was always the intention.
It is NATO who would be in the face of Russia threatening them with nukes if they let them into ex-ukraine.
It’s not Russia who unilatery blew up missile treaties and put them in Romania.
If Putin would be half as mad as the west claim to be they would be at war by now.
Ukraine war is a matter of survival.
Just look at history, always the European nations attacking Russia.
Hitler sent a certain Dr Mengele to study at the Carnegie Institution to learn about the ‘Nordic Race’.
Why is it always the philanthropists?
They let others do the fighting for them indeed
Finland fought for independence
…on the side of nazi Germany
And yes, it’s always ‘defense’ now. Not ‘war’
Like your ally ‘defended’ from a Polish attack or the US needs to defend itself from Irak, Iran, Afghanistan or wherever.
Imagine a gang arming themselves to the teeth and surrounding 1 person pointing guns at him.
“Hey, we’re only going to defend ourselves”
That would be the NATO, Russia analogy.
I could add the gang really hate this guy, which your and other US regime aligned comments make abundantly clear.
Ah yes, the Fins are sure eager to repeat their WW2 ‘fight for democracy’ against the Russians.
The US, since they make decisions on ideological sacrifices for other countries.
We are talking about serious stuff in times that can lead to WW3.
I am human and can get emotional about it.
Throwing a ‘source’ at me from RFE, an entity which is universally known as a US propaganda tool could in itself be seen as an insult and questioning my intelligence.
Besides that, my jab in return was quite mild.
Especially considering the vile insult that get thrown at me constantly by others if I dare question the western narrative.
That puts me in a defensive state already.
Regardless of all this I ended the conversation with:
Thanks for listening, and dissagreeing without arguing or insults. Have a good night.
We ended on good terms, he is OK with it, so should you. You made your point.
This is a conversation that went into a different direction and is in no way related to the RT article.
If someone uses RFE, VOA or any other one of those pure propaganda tools that as a source I certainly am going to question them.
There is no reason why I shouldn’t.
You do notice the article from RT is in English right?
OK thanks for the ! trick (who would know that!?)
And yes I’ll sub to it.
Thanks for the civil talk, I too have to go now.
Will definitely come back to it.
. This is still not refuted by anyone. The only sources
We certainly are talking past eachother.
There is no use if you take claims, allegations and suspicions, which is the only thing your article provides as a source.
Speculations and proof are not the same.
Nobody needs to answer to baseless accusations, certainly not believe them.
When that investigation is still going on you certainly can not say anything is proof.
Kremlin agents supported a fascist nationalist group (that also consider Georgescu the real president) called “Vlad Tepes” in a plan to overthrow the government
I’m sorry but that sounds like a wild made up conspiracy theory.
The same tactics they tried with the Trump-Steele dossier, also based on nothing, with the only purpose to slander him as a Russian asset, even more ridiculous than your claim.
These tactics unfortunately work sometimes.
You should learn to be carefull and investigate everything and find sources for everything.
I will end it here.
I hope you don’t get a fascist, and certainly not a US puppet as is the case now.
The US regime is planning to build a huge base there and if you’re not careful you might be played by them and thrown to the lions.
They are not there to help you or protect you despite what they say.
I have Romanian friends, very nice people.
The country and food is nice too.
Don’t want to see it destroyed for the benefit of these assholes.
Thanks for listening, and dissagreeing without arguing or insults.
Have a good night.
A tasteless peasant from the US banana republic I presume