“Biden fully supports the genocide.”
This disqualified anything this person had to say. If you believe this, you’re either a confused person or seeking to sow discord.
“Biden fully supports the genocide.”
This disqualified anything this person had to say. If you believe this, you’re either a confused person or seeking to sow discord.
That spokesperson doesn’t reflect well on his agency, our government or our people.
This is pure evil.
“Everyone in the world needs to see this”
Proceeds to upload to a dying platform that requires an account to view that I shut down years ago
Those that care are powerless.
From the comfort of my home in the States, Israel’s response to being attacked is disproportionate af and is galvanizing the world against it. Which isn’t great for a nation surrounded by enemies. They need friends and sooner or later even for the US this will be beyond the pale.
I really appreciate the insight. I don’t think those things are worth US maintaining power in that region, but I imagine if I’m in the shoes of a world leader I might see things more ambiguously.
I’m very unhappy with Biden’s stance toward Israel. What strategic significance does that state have that outweighs what increasingly looks like genocide? It has to be something so important yet unpalatable to the voting public that it’s worth appearing to come down on the wrong side of history.
Does anyone have any ideas? Is having a western democracy in the middle east that we can work with worth giving said government carte blanche to exterminate their neighbor?
This is guy this country’s version of Trump?
What is the consequence of allowing the daughter into the country? Favoritism toward an individual over others applying for VISAs? It doesn’t seem like a jump the line issue—the child was rejected outright?
They will lose some money, with the consequences of a recession, only to gain it back through corporate welfare and a return to business as usual as the recession ends.
It’s not like they’re going to go broke. They’ll just lose some millions over the vast gains made with bad behavior, get bailed out with tax money from the little people, and do it again in 10-20 years after regulators retire or get replaced with ones sympathetic to business.
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