I just sit in my lifted truck, spend 40 dollars on gas, sit in traffic for 2 hours, shoot at some suspicious looking brown people and then get my chips.
I just sit in my lifted truck, spend 40 dollars on gas, sit in traffic for 2 hours, shoot at some suspicious looking brown people and then get my chips.
I just had a absolute flashback to 30 years ago when everyone said Mitsubishis are the best extasy. Was that a worldwide thing? Why did so many people pressed them into mitsubishi forms?
Isn’t it just as cheap when you just download it on black friday?
These dumbasses thinks this works on us smart people. Anyway, gotta go fight some people on black friday for shit i don’t even need nor afford
Sometimes you just need to huck a Molotov cocktail at a drone and see what happens
I kinda disagree. If you watch the duellist, which in my opinion is the vest description of a realistic sword fight, you van see that they are super nervous. No one wats to really die, so they drag it out. It’s not a video game where you respawn so you just try to get a good hit and hope for the best.
Thank god no one lives in a warzone right now. That would be crayzy
At the time titanic came out, romcoms really hit peak it seems. And i watched a bunch of them. Being 14, i had no idea about life in general, and always assumed people get married some time after the movie ends and they found each other. In most movies it’s fucking ridiculous. You watch two people fall in love who realistically talked to each other for an hour in real time.
It’s kind of a braindead meme that people use who think they are smarter than they actually are. You can fit an elephant on a door, that doesn’t mean it has enough buoyancy to carry it.
It’s like that reddit thing where people said that in karate kid, daniel is actually the bad guy and the villain of the movie is the good guy, because they saw a video of a guy who took clips out of context. Okay so you’re an expert now on a movie that you clearly haven’t seen.
The tradition to fill landfills with plastic skeletons
That’s like if i made a presentation and showed back to the future 2 and said: well, that’s how our hoverboards will look and function
If you’d see that in a movie it would be a weird comedy where someone’s head spins around 360° for no reason so the viewer doesn’t know anymore what to believe and what not.
Man, i actually have in a little riverboat in kenya. It’s absolutely terrifying. There were some other tourists on the boat who treated it like a circus show the hippo did for them. They cheered every time it jumped out of the water getting closer and closer. I was sitting very close to the boat captain, who was sweating bullets.
I’m 40 and pretty much everything about my body feels better than 10 years ago.
I was always interested in the joe rogan podcast before it was on Spotify, because how popular it was and how much there is. I like to listen to podcast when I’m at work, and I’m always on the lookout for new ones. When it finally came to Spotify i listened to it and was like: oh wow, it’s shit. Like there are podcasts that i don’t like, but i get why people like it, this is just straight garbage.
It’s weird. I mountainbike my whole life, i feel super weird not wearing a helmet. I wear a full face helmet on every trail. I ride sometimes on a lift where one of the best riders in europe practices. He wears a helmet from the car to the lift. But somehow he thinks he’s too good to wear a helmet. I often see people with child seat on their bicycles and the children wear helmets and the parents don’t. Where the hell is the logic there. If you ever drop on your head, your child sits in a puddle of your blood and waits until someone finds them?
We’re cool, we allow these pesky non smokers here.
One can only imagine what the vents looked like 🤮
My first flight that i was ever on was pretty much the last one that still had smokers on them, and the airplane definitely snelled like smoke. I remember my second flight, some guy lit up a cigarette and they explained him that smoking isn’t allowed anymore, and people were like: i fon’t care, let him smoke and shit. Insanity.
My dad thinks i’m crazy because i walk or bike to my sister’s or his place, which is like 40min by foot. Yeah man, if i were as fat as you that would be crazy