You’re under the belief that legitimacy exists. No one who controls another humans nature holds legitimate authority. Period. It’s all power dynamics and power is achieved by force.
You’re under the belief that legitimacy exists. No one who controls another humans nature holds legitimate authority. Period. It’s all power dynamics and power is achieved by force.
Laws do not need to be moral, logical, rational, or even reasonable. Most laws are made out of rage or political will.
International law is made out of the latter two; and enforced only by the winning agent of a state on state conflict. Anything else is political sabre rattling.
Even most national laws are all teeth no bite, and exist only for the perception of control and order.
If police can’t enforce laws, and you have an immoral populace, you have chaos. If police can’t enforce laws with force and violence, it degrades into tyranny as the people retake control with violence.
The world revolves around control and violence. Laws, judges, white wigs and gowns are all a perception of control in a world of savages. Anyone who thinks otherwise is sitting in a world of privilege.
Might is right. If you doubt me, ask how many war crimes the United States has been charged with, Russia, etc… then look up the number of people killed by the Nazis vs the communists. Totally off topic, but if you doubt that, and it’s your first time, Patton was right, we should have kept going.
This is actually how it works in some places in Canada. It’s a very effective system.
I watched a play that told me that fairies exist and people could fly, if you’re basing your argument off plays and stoics, you may want to reevaluate the world.