He was also a prolific inventor that worked tirelessly to help give us the telephone and the lightbulb.
He’s certainly a controversial man.
He was also a prolific inventor that worked tirelessly to help give us the telephone and the lightbulb.
He’s certainly a controversial man.
I’m convinced everyone on Lemmy works IT
Depends on the person and the job. Thomas Edison loved his work to the point of being essentially addicted.
This is what I worry about. What if I get everything I ever wanted and it’s still not enough? What is the point then?
Just putting in my 2 cents. I don’t remember seeing any trash from my 2 weeks in Japan. The country is impeccably clean.
I’ve seen mongoloids throw trash on the floor while they stood less than a foot away from the trashcan. Should’ve thrown him in the trash.
When someone shows me they’re a terrible, ignorant person I act accordingly.
We have. Our ship’s course is set. The systems we have in place are too entrenched in their destruction. I remember when the Paris agreement was signed and everyone was talking about how we need to cut emissions now or never. What did we do as a species? Increase energy demands across the board and keep the status quo, and those demands just keep rising higher and higher.
We’ve lost to climate change already. Can’t even get people to wear a mask. Asking them to completely change their polluting lifestyles? Impossible. What we do instead is ban plastic straws to pretend were doing something. Reality doesn’t matter, just how people feel.
Germany’s known for poor rail, America’s known for no rail.
His perspective on the world went too deeply against mine. I couldn’t take the hypocrisy anymore.
Germany’s known for having terrible rail. Probably on account of BMW lobbying.
Stalin was a power freak. Only reason he “tried to resign” is because Lenin released a statement criticizing him before he died. It’s kind of like saying Matt Gaetz tried to resign in good faith.
“Love and worship me or you’ll be sent to hell for all eternity hehe”
Had to drop a friend when he told me that “God sent Trump to us to stop abortions”
That’s because the American healthcare system is infected with middle men parasites.
Well the ideal end result depends on the person, doesn’t it?
I’m sure Karl Marx and Stalin had very different ideas of what the ideal end result of communism would be.
From my understanding; Marx envisioned a worker’s utopia, while Stalin instead used communism to garner as much power for himself as possible.
The more I study history, the more I see the great wheel of humanity. Communists now, Jews in the 40s, Muslims in the early middles ages, the barbaric Gauls before Christ was even born. It never stops. The people with wisdom die off leaving remnants of their culture and ideas while the next generations tries to piece it all together.
I wonder if anyone ever said “Democracy would never work, just look at what happened to Athens”.
Socialism and communism are relatively new ideas. While I don’t believe communism is an effective form of government, it’s still kind of silly to write it off so quickly.
Whoops meant to say helped give us the telephone
Specifically was talking about this
"It was Alexander Graham Bell who patented the telephone in 1876. But Edison, with his knack for building upon others’ innovations, found a way to improve Bell’s transmitter, which was limited in how far apart phones could be by weak electrical current. Edison got the idea of using a battery to provide current on the phone line and to control its strength by using carbon to vary the resistance.
To do that, he designed a transmitter in which a small piece of lampblack (a black carbon made from soot) was placed behind the diaphragm. When someone spoke into the phone, the sound waves moved the diaphragm, and the pressure on the lampblack changed. Edison later replaced the lampblack with granules made from coal—a basic design that was used until the 1980s."