When are we getting the one where he admits to cannibalism?
Hey wait, I resemble that remark!
Yeah baby, yeah you piece of shit.
A test I constantly fail, thanks, noisy roommates.
That’s just his emotional support plane in the background, nothing to see here folks. Move along.
Very unusual.
I hadn’t considered (on more than a surface level) this viewpoint, I do agree wholeheartedly regarding getting your money’s worth doesn’t necessarily come down to ownership, but rather enjoyment/fulfillment.
I held a micro$hit game pass subscription for quite a while, and (almost) always felt I was getting my money’s worth out of it, if not for game pass, there’s quite a few games I’d never have considered buying, some of these have been the most enjoyable I have played.
With that said however, I much prefer not having to worry about a game in my library disappearing because a license ran out, or it was dropped from a service. I spend about 80% of my gaming budget on discounted stuff, usually a couple years after release, when most of the bugs are ironed out.
I’m probably gonna do this for the third time when I next play HL: Alyx.
Built a new rig and decided to go back to it on max settings now that my rig could achieve it, worth the restart imo. And ill fucken do it again.
One of many reasons I wish it snows more here in Oz.
TIL, I may do a sleep study in the near future, I sleep like shit these days (injury + sleep disorder, may also be apnea).
But if I stop breathing in my sleep I don’t have to wake up
This sign won’t stop me because I can’t read!
All 35 seconds magnificent missionary.
E: that includes undress/redress.
Gustave knows what Gustave wants
Contemplating leaf.