Gorram right. Got all the comics, books (bar the most recent which I intend to acquire soon), and board/card games bar i think one of the dice but not Shiny Dice, I got that too.
Gorram right. Got all the comics, books (bar the most recent which I intend to acquire soon), and board/card games bar i think one of the dice but not Shiny Dice, I got that too.
Yeah, he’s completely fucking wrong.
The beginning is decades ago.
We’re so close to the end it’s not a catastrophic enough a description to be close to real.
He’s also wrong about survival instinct. There is stupidity which will go insane soon but anyone who fucking gets it knows there is nothing but a true end to all life on this planet. I call 2030. Not that you’ll be here to say otherwise. If you are you won’t because we’ll be that gorramn close and you’ll be stupid and go insane or just enjoy your last few minutes because you won’t get much more of those.
If it ain’t the baked planet, it’ll be a virus bio-/tech- whatever but they won’t make it past the shortly thereafter former, or closed source AI $ add repeat of the last, or…well…yeah…theres a dozen others bidding on annihilation and no one to counter a thing. They’ll all suck the dollar worship and go to work in a guzzling baker machine (automobile in case you’re stupid and don’t just get it).
Nuke not necessary and we won’t be able to see it cuz that kind of part of the definition of its occurance.
Only if we do fucking anything to stop what we’ve already done and are doing at as massive an exponentially increasing rate.
You’re wrong. If it ain’t the baking this planet conduct then it’ll be a virus, bio- or tech- cuz it don’t matter, AI etc.
You’re all a bunch of suckers. There is no side to avoid tyrrany. Six one way half a dozen the other.
Doesn’t matter. Everyone will die by 2030 and that doesn’t even count Nukes.
My point was that you don’t need to use software to do just that.
And my point is using the reference as a metaphor for something I’m not willing to discuss in this environment. I’m waiitng for SAFENetwork to build a sustainable environment to build a proper revolution.
I’ve got some bad news to break to you.
There will never be a meaingful awareness of this shit and everyone will die because bio-/tech/etc.- virus/baked planet/pollution/AI/etc.?
I know that already. My project is to figure out how to get people to learn what is necessary to survive.
Guess what? Everyone will die. In less than a decade. Guaren-fucking-teed.
Revolution is pretty much irrelevant because this will happen either way. It doesn’t fucking matter.
Counterpoint that be only one I’ve thought of or heard of. FOSS-AI can counter and crack all Closed Source AI and pretty much all personal computers with helpful virus infections that rebuild the target to GNU/Linux.
Whatever. It don’t matter. Either way I’ll find my soul a whole damn new galaxy cuz I ain’t comin’ back here.
I feel like we mostly agree with each other, we just don’t agree about the extent to which FOSS is helpful.
FOSS is a tool. Tools are useful, not helpful. People can be helpful. Especially with the right tools.
(although not trivial, critical vulns can still exist for years)
Because the amount of participants are trivial. If people took FOSS seriously and stopped paying billions of dollars to CS…
To me, you don’t need FOSS to build a (literal) guillotine, and you don’t need FOSS to spread flyers.
If you’re using software to do just that, then I’m saying that you’re wrong. If you’re using physical fashions like crafting a club and having a fight with people who agree…
People don’t have open source hardware phones, running mobile distros of Linux
I do.
but not the solution in the sense of doing the work to achieve the end goal
Well, I AM saying what Richard Stallman has rouhgly in an extended elaborate fashion of much more profuse explanations and statements, that FOSS is necessary to stop CS from being respected let alone relevant to fucking anything digital based on an agreement towards respect for another human’s life without knowing that person. Without needing to know anyone to make that statement. Even I agree with him regarding the subject to which respect is given to people I have the opposite of respect in history denoting such appropriate.
And yet you’re unable…
Unable =/= Unwilling to discuss with someone unworthy of speaking to even a minute. You have, thus far, made it past that but I’m not at a moment I’m able to sit down and more thoroughly explain anything let alone diverge into extensive details
…capitalists use FOSS products…
You’re not wrong. I’ll give you that. I will not argue with your stance against capitalism. In fact, I stand with you, entirely. FOSS does not hold a stance against capitalism. It can be used by capitalism. However, Anarchy cannot function without FOSS in any digital fashion. Neither can any Revolution or, by a much better success, a Guillotine.
At the end of the day, any respect given to any Closed Source software is only a literal Suicide. You don’t know shit for running Closed Source software. It may not kill you. It will probably just steal all your money. And the shit will pull it off by your knowledge and consent without accommodating your blatant lack of understanding. In the near future, it will arrange your inevitable death. Choice will be largely irrelevant to such events too boot.
At the end of the day. FOSS is the only solution because the opposite is that you consent to using software that no one but one mother fucker knows what does. End of Story. Inevitable EOTW.
I’ve been doing this a decade and a half now. I have the experience of idiots discussing this issue with zero awareness or even more likely, a tangentially opposite direction I expect is nothing less than a three letter spam lie.
I don’t bother to determine the target of such. Merely that it exists.
Xucking anyone. Doesn’t really matter. People don’t shut the fuck up about it and I’ve never heard anyone say what I did that math on and observed myself occurring relentlessly. I don’t give a shit about what you think it is and I ain’t here to lecture anyone or argue. It is what it is.
FOSS can certainly be used to create that which can fix capitalist issues. I’m just done talking to you about it. You’re adamant against shit and I’m not interested in a fight.
i know what they say it is. i also know it really is.
Do you even know what FOSS is?
It’s the ONLY method to deal with Closed Source. It can be used to end capitalism. It can be used to end money entirely.
Do it ALL FOSS now, or else…EOTW. End of story. Literally.
No. It stems from closed source software. True, however, that stems from capitalism. Without that we’d be good friends with AI and fix all the obvious problems we caused. Then do like Bill Hicks said and explore space.
What happens when you can but the other guy is broke including homeless now. Do you murder the economy just because the “mutual” “giving” dies on one end?
I’m not talking about investing. I’m talking about buying and selling dope on the darknet. The rest of you are feinds.
Came here to say this. Of course your downvoted. Bitcoin is the snitch coin. Makes it perfect to force all businessestio use it and it ONLY with any business funds. Anything otherwise is literal embezzlement.
Monero is private and cannot be tracked. Makes it perfect for personal and any and all business MUST handle BTC then. For the rest of us, swap for your business payment on Bisq.
But can you see that Monero miner?