Buy a $10 Xbox gift card and send us the code so that we can activate it. Then you get back to the shop and get $20 in cash - $10 for returning the card and $10 from us. We’ll pay the tax, too.
Buy a $10 Xbox gift card and send us the code so that we can activate it. Then you get back to the shop and get $20 in cash - $10 for returning the card and $10 from us. We’ll pay the tax, too.
Yes, get yourself eclipse glasses, a pinhole projector, a floppy disk, digital camera or whatever allows you to observe the eclipse safely – no phenomenon is worth risking your eyesight over. However, the consensus is that you can watch the sun flares without protection during totality. The totality lasted 0 to 4 minutes depending on your location.
…and ignore one of the coolest things there is to see on the sky
A solar or lunar eclipse?
I literally predicted that would shut down in 6 months after u/spez said it’s not going anywhere, just like Apollo. I wasn’t sure how seriously to take this but I think I will be pretty close.
Can we finally get mixed zoning??
And it definitely belongs to ! because of course Piper Perri Surrounded is a meme, and recreating it with physical objects is how it’s used.
I did Math HL and still got bored so I picked the affordable calculator on which I could play Solitaire, Tetris and Mario. CASIO calculators also had games and a friend sometimes lent me his CFX-9850+ (pictured) where I would code up Mastermind, TriPeaks and Snake in CASIO Basic, which was friendlier than TI-BASIC, as well as a manual image importing program. I later made a cable so I have them backed up to this day, I will publish them once I found the source.
Not very common? It is easier and cheaper to buy a 10-year-old used TI-84 Plus than a comparable CASIO.
I am still in the Czech Republic. I just did IB (mezinárodní maturita).
And people still have the audacity to say ViSuALLy iMpAiReD pEoPLe aRe jUsT 1% oF iNtErNeT uSeRs… Meanwhile I am enjoying a free 1 MB/day of cellular data on a prepaid card due to a provider’s billing glitch so I have my SIM in an old 2G Nokia and browse the web on Opera Mini with images disabled.
I believe in the curb cut effect so I try to follow accessibility guidelines wherever possible. I wonder when YT allows for visually impaired audio tracks so that people who only listen don’t miss important details conveyed viaually in video essays. I hate it when the narrator refers to a simple pie chart when they could have said the percentage out loud, especially if they speak redundantly elsewhere. Or when creators of obviously scripted videos don’t at least upload the script for better subtitles. Or when video annotations were removed instead of YT making at least the non-interactive ones work on mobile. Or when websites and apps restrict copying text… and all other DRM can go fuck itself, too.
Once they gave us faster processors and enabled ASM programming, they were objectively the superior option. I am still wondering if we ever get a programmable & graphing calculator with a a 128x64 reflective display, either a rechargeable Li-Ion cell or one AAA battery that lasts forever and does not make the unit terribly thick so that it fits comfortably in a pocket, and has USB-mini-B or C of course. I wrote Snake, Mastermind and TriPeaks for the pictured CASIO CFX-9850 PLUS and coding was a better experience than on TI. However, our course taught TI, there were no affordable second-hand CASIOs and I wanted ready-made ASM games like 2048, Mario and Tetris so I went with the TI-84 Plus for IB.
The programs I wrote are still somewhere on my hard drive and I will publish their source as text as well as a CA-124-friendly file at some point. They work on newer programmable monochrome 128x64 CASIOs too if you remove colors and adjust for the faster processor. Unfortunately, the lack of comments and single-letter variables mean that the code is a mess but I might have the reworked versions somewhere too.
There are only 3 models of calculators in the shot (the TI-83 looks different in a rubber case) and I had one of each. It’s a composite photo. And after returning the borrowed CASIO and selling the TI-84, I only had a $10 overall cost and still keep the TI-83.
More on how I did this
Yes, !’s rules say that images need to be mislabeled historical pictures but I think I explained myself well enough.
No. They will just use the $10 card and leave. They will prey on the fact that “get a gift card for your computer troubles” is something a legitimate company has done.