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Definitely anything SuperGiant. Bastion, Hades, and Transistor are some of the only games I’ve actually finished, and the sound tracks are incredible.
Right? Like what if as cells die or degrade instead of being replaced by the body naturally they are replaced by nanites/cybernetics/tech magic. If the process of fully converting took place over the course of 10 years, then I don’t see how the subject would even notice.
It’s an interesting thing to ponder.
That’s a brilliant way to answer.
I really enjoyed using MATLAB in school and it really helped with some of my graduate stuff. What scummy stuff are they up to? Any alternatives you’d recommend?
They are not talking about going to school but having people at the school do the dental work.
Yeah, I don’t think “mentally ill people” only exist in specific places or that specific areas are “full” of them. I mean, I know for sure at least one deranged person lives in your area.
Also I highly doubt you truly worked in retail if you never experienced a customer like this. If you did, you must have been lucky and in an extremely high end store.
People are the same everywhere in the world, no better or worse than anywhere else. Which is kinda great IMO.
I don’t message anyone with an iPhone. Other than the different colored bubbles what does it do? How is the quality degraded?
It just seems like Apple kept it separate so their obsessed fans would have something to feel superior about.
The problem is the improper distribution of resources, not overpopulation. If we truly tried we could sustainably support our current population and work on healing the world.
Talking about intentional population control is a fat too slippery slope.
I believe that is our destiny as millennials, to turn the tide and act as brakes on the growing insanity in the world. I also believe that we can do it.
When I was like 11 I made two emails, one with a dumb name and another more professional one that’s just my name. I didn’t want to send emails to adults with the dumb name one because I didn’t want to explain it.
11 year old me was way too serious.
Love your praying with that last sentence.
Wait…what? I’m struggling to comprehend this level of nonsense.
I don’t care what other people drink. In fact I love it when people show me their favorite drinks. Even if I don’t like it I enjoy the experience of something new. I get bored very easily.
That being said, I moved to the Pacific Northwest a few years ago and it seems like local breweries only make IPAs. They’ll have like eight local or inhouse brews and 7 will be IPAs. I just miss the variety I used to be able to find in other parts of the country. It also seems a little lazy and uncreative on the brewery’s side.
Why don’t they just let the kids in? Who cares if they are a little late. Life’s complicated, shit happens.
Maybe they don’t get along, or they use magic in entirely different and incompatible ways.
Even with those limitations, duplication would still allow food producers to make less food go a longer way. Smaller farms could feed more people, reducing pollution. You could duplicate the food at the point of sale, which would drastically reduce transportation costs as well as traffic. Hell, cities could have small farms and fed themselves. It would also drastically reduce water consumption that is used in farming, reducing droughts. Producing and transporting food is a massive contributor to global warming. Farms and ranches take up tons of space, all that land could be returned to its natural state (I bet wizards could speed that up).
If wizards showed up with the cure to cancer and fed the hungry they’d easily have 1/5 of the world’s population on their side. Unfortunately the wizarding society is extremely exploitative of animals, even worse than the average muggle.
I get that wizards were persecuted and don’t want to have muggles expect them to solve all their problems, but they could literally save the planet.
And Star Trek