It’s clear words are just vibes to you
It’s clear words are just vibes to you
They’re literally different legal concepts just like speeding isn’t murder.
I can own a DVD that’s digital ownership.
So if I enjoy a sunset it’s theft because nobody got paid?
Yes you did. You said if you buy something on steam you own it.
No, it’s trespassing and you could be arrested for it not stealing.
Copyright infringement (piracy) has never been theft. The statement about purchasing and ownership gives ground to see creating more of something to be the same as taking something.
Plus you don’t own games on steam, you’ve purchased a license. If you owned them you could resell them.
Do people willing to live in climate extremes count as extremist? /S
2023’s darling, BG3 was in early access for years and feedback during early access made it better.
When you’re pro slavery but only when it’s with consenting adults.
I don’t know how to explain to you that you just agreed with me.
You agree that young people vote dem
You agree old people are dying off
But you think Dems will be held accountable by voters by electing a worse candidate for them just to spite the Dems? .
People will take the best option they are provided and 2020 had the highest voter turnout since 1900 for sleepy creepy Joe.
Biden won by nearly 7 million votes with a 62% of votes under 30 years old and 52% under 45 years old.
Actually the only age group he didn’t win with was 65+ and they’re the ones dropping faster and faster each month.
So you’re assuming people will take Trump over Biden because he was involved in genocide when he was involved in 8 years of drone strike champion before he ran in 2020.
I’m judging bases on data about ages and death. You’re judging bases on feelings from social media.
As long as everyone who voted before votes again it’s just the same result because neither candidate is running on anything new.
Honestly, picking Trump again is a good thing for the rest of us. We know he can lose and because of the last presidential election and his base is just getting smaller.
It’s not like any Republican is a good candidate. All of them think abortion is a crime and will appoint shit supreme court justices. So give me the one I know loses because they lost before.
Lol good point
Most SUVs and Trucks now are pavement princesses. I respect the hell out of people who buy minivans now.
Lol I used to keep a bale of straw in the bed all winter to get traction. Apparently I’m a hillbilly.
But it can’t afford to run less efficient tires because it has too much air resistance and the range would suffer. There’s a reason why other Teslas have no flat panels or straight lines.
It’s a 100,000 vehicle with plastic hubcaps.
This building looks like I feel clocking in for work.