Can’t load this website, what is it?
Can’t load this website, what is it?
Thanks for your help my good man.
This is so nice… Thanks.
It seems like reading the book is the only way. I shall do just that.
Understood. Thanks. I really wish they would allow people to upload their own games. Kinda like that old website (Newgrounds? idk).
This statement is completely wrong. Like, to a baffling degree. It kinda makes me wonder if you’re trolling.
No I just struggle at getting my meaning across + these stuff are new to me. What I meant was ‘Go does memory management LIKE a VM does’. Like ‘baking in the GC’. Does that make sense? Or am I still wrong?
@Ferk @FizzyOrange @posgamer @reflectedodds @ExperimentalGuy: There are errors in what I said. I admit I am not an expert. I will come back with better explanations for my stance, after I have read more about it.
First off, I apologize if I did not add a disclaimer saying I could be wrong. But given this, what is exactly the difference between denotaional and operational semantics? I base what I said on [my understanding of books about language theory. But it seems like I got the wrong gist. Where do you recommend I start?
PS: I’ll add a void to the post rn.
First, tell me what you mean by ‘closure’. I did not mean ‘closure’ as an operational function literal. Keep that in mind.
If you use JVM 8 yes. Use Zero.
I know about all this — I actually began implementing my own JVM language a few days ago. I know Android uses Dalvik btw. But I guess a lot of people can use this info; infodump is always good. I do that.
btw I actually have messed around with libgcc-jit and I think at least on x86, it makes zero difference. I once did a test:
– Find /e/ with MAWK -> 0.9s – Find /e/ with JAWK -> 50s.
No shit! It’s seriously slow.
Now compare this with go-awk: 19s.
Go has reference counting and heap etc, basically a ‘compiled VM’. I think if you want fast code, ditch runtime.
I think that happens when app developers learn2optimize. Stop using interpreted bytecode languages on small processors!
My man we have UNIX because PDP-11 was expensive!
Hey now, I am just a yokel from Mazar-Sharif, New York who sells dingbat carcasses for infant consumption, but does Android even use JVM? I was under the consumption it uses Dalvik? Let me consume a dingbat – ok, so who cares what “java” gets compiled to, JIT, AOT even tree-walked, we’re talking about JVM here. Here: An ancient JVM bytecode assembler.
Thanks. I actually have a parse-related question which I will post somewhere soon (as in 2-3 minute).
I will download it all and mirror it on my server and Github pages. Hate to see it go. What happened to this dude? Was he old or young?
True, but see, all these build up on the theoretical regex. The theoretical regex indeed has only 3 operators: dot for concatenation, pipe for alteration and the ‘kleene star’ [re: Sipser’s]. These 3 operators can express a finite state automata. You don’t really need all that other operators. Read this: Algorithms like Thompson construction can translate a regex to a non-deterministic automata quite quickly, and then from there you can make a DFA or just simulate the NFA.
I would not call PCRE ‘regular expression’ really. If you read the article I gave you it explains why they are mostly a practical utility than a theoretical groundwork. The regex in use today is far from the regex one learns about in books.
I think regex is abused. People use it to parse context-free grammars. Extremely intricate and feature-rich patterns cause people to make mistakes, and end up with security holes!
That being said, I really enjoy NeoVim’s regex. I also like Perl’s. But I would not rely on them for parsing, or even lexing.
What should we talk about then, glob patterns (which are NOT regular expressions, for the love of all that is holy and unholy, stop calling glob patterns RE!)
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