Probably to generate discussion about what the “and more” could be, just like it’s doing. Proper ad camp, Bic.
Probably to generate discussion about what the “and more” could be, just like it’s doing. Proper ad camp, Bic.
And at this point it’s not a scam it’s a virus that they’ve already opened hence the fake error message.
I didn’t get to see them lol just the notification with links and I clicked and the comment was gone. I expected chisled gym body and what I got was chisled lemmy. Oh well. Gym4lyfe
I saw the notification but when I clicked on it, it was gone.
Hit me with a DM, politely.
politely, pics or GTFO.
Edit: awh man, she actually posted them, but I didn’t think to screenshot the notification with the imgur links and now it’s gone. First time in history it actually worked and I didn’t even get to see it.
But it doesn’t even occur to people that they could do that. Instead they sit around and do nothing and complain to the county about lack of snow plows, and they stay holed-up in their houses eating junk and getting fat. And when you’re fat and lazy, and you’ve clogged all your arteries with grease, that’s why you can’t shovel snow without breaking your back and getting a heart attack. That’s modern life.
Smartphones and televisions. Modern day bread and circus. Keep them fat and content enough so they don’t care to change anything.
Also, the guy in the meme is a… checks notes… Canadian that goes around debating freshmen at American college campuses.
Propagandistic bullshit.
Saying you can’t say “both sides suck” means we’re stuck with only two and must pick one.
Two is not the only option.
But it’s difficult to mobilize the bread eaters as they watch the circus.
More “if fried chicken was a person” with a picture of Beet (but I wouldn’t do beet dirty like that)
mayo is a “white people thing” according to a black friend when I was younger. or maybe I was offering them miracle whip now that I think about it. I don’t remember.
nope it’s mayo.
If you want to be up to date on modern slang, fallout where the teenagers rizz with they homies.
I brought this up yesterday, and I’m not even a libertarian. I just have working eyes and those muscles between them run decent enough too. The ideology of libertarianism is so harmful to the corporations that run this country that it had to be astroturfed into the thought terminator cliche of “libertarian = pedo” amongst an entire new generation. They destroyed Occupy WallSt in a different but similar way, by infiltrating all the influential OWS groups and making identity politics a core tenant (if you’re white, shut up because your opinions are worthless - thought terminator cliche so ‘in your face obvious’ that they’re promoting exactly what they’re supposedly fighting against, but most were taken in anyway) - here’s a video of it in action from 2011.
The corporations that run this country love youth internet addiction. There’s never been an easier time in history to spread or destroy a movement simply by spending money. You don’t even need a puppet. It’s the ultimate power.
Yeah generally subscriptions extend automatically unless you cancel. They’re subscriptions. I don’t know about the first part, it sounds like a bug. They may be shady on the business end in certain circumstance (not sure why they would be, they’re a successful company with a lot to lose), but I’ve set 6 clients up with them over 2 years and haven’t had any issues with billing or cancellation. The person also did a chargeback after not contacting support and waiting, which if you’re on the business end of things you know is a big fucking no-no. You get enough charge backs in a period and your bank will shut your account down. PayPal is even worse, they’ll hold ALL your money ransom and many times not give it back and there’s no recourse. Many customers don’t realize this as they’ve never had to deal with anything business related. I can tell you that’s why Proton was so adamant about them undoing the chargeback before any refund. I don’t know about them not refunding the entire amount although I wonder if that’s related to the first issue where it wasn’t showing it as paid, so in their system it showed the full amount not-owed as being refunded.
That’s a great way to advance your career by the ‘genius’ kid that comes up with the much better way to do it and calls you out during a meeting while showing his already-written code that does much better than your senior dev self.
Hey Jim, when did Microsoft start releasing Windows phones with 27" screens?
Proton is probably the slickest, most feature-rich and solid email service. They have a suite… Mail, VPN, Calendar, etc. I pay like $50 yearly for it, which gives a lot of extra settings. But even in the free account there is a “convert from Gmail” option that downloads all of your Gmail emails into your proton account. It’s the easiest way to degoogle. Plus, all proton-to-proton email is automatically PGP encrypted, even if you use custom domains. You can easily setup auto PGP for other external services that offer it too, so emails are seamlessly encrypted between them.
This short guide gets you up and running with Proton Mail if you are transferring your files from Gmail. You can seamlessly move the emails, attachments, calendars, and contacts you have stored in your Gmail account to Proton Mail and Proton Calendar
If you read the instructions, on mine anyway, it says a full load is to the top of the basket without pressing down on any of the clothes. I always lay them around in a circular pattern to even out the level of clothes as I’m loading it. My fiancee used to shove as much as she could in there, and it would get off balance and wobble and shake the house. It took a lot of convincing but she finally believed me after I kept pointing out that’s probably why it was happening.
Washing machines (mine anyway) wash by spinning back and forth in water with detergent, so if you stuff it full there’s not much room for any clothes to move and they don’t get very clean and will come out smelling like laundry detergent.