Sam the cooking guy is around 3.5M and I think he’s pretty underappreciated too.
Sam the cooking guy is around 3.5M and I think he’s pretty underappreciated too.
That’s the most straw man argument I’ve seen in a while.
Maybe take a step back and think about how using nazi analogies when discussing meat eaters is counterproductive to your beliefs and frigging offensive to large swaths of the global population who were affected by nazis. Those two things are not comparable and you need to do some self education if you think that’s okay or persuasive.
You’re doing the thing that creates the opposite world you wanna live in again.
Some people really think being a good example of the product of their beliefs and being obnoxiously obtuse and argumentative about their beliefs are equally effective at persuading others to think like them.
I can tell you no person ever in the history of humanity was convinced by the latter.
This dude thinks he’s a Vulcan lol